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Fang Paiune Level 59 5-slot version only: Double Sword Level 1 Regular: Can be purchased in Beika Noble: Silver Sword Level 12 Regular: Quest reward in map 1, for killing mine workers in the northwest town. This quest has two parts, make sure you do both.
This sword is the best available for PVP. A 2 slot version of this gear MAY exist, but I have not confirmed it. If it does it was probably from the very start of the game. Anchilles Level 18 Regular: Crusader Level 24 Regular: Twin Abyss Level 30 Regular: Drops from Pharos, a spirit looking boss of Pharos dungeon in the PvP area.
I believe there are a couple of these in existence, from special events or from early game material. Bastion of Greed Epic, Unslotted: Red glowing dual swords with faster then normal attack speed. Received by completing the level 33 quest just north of map 2 lighthouse.
Kill three mini-bosses to complete it and make sure you choose Bastion of Greed as your prize. Alucard Level 36 Regular: Lion Hearts Level 43 Regular: Drops from Mobs in Maitreyan Dungeon Dread:. Du-Sith Level 49 Regular: Twin Saviors Level 55 3-slot version only: Drops from Elemental Cave bosses.
Adds an SP bonus. Demonic Swords Level 56 5-slot version only: Envoi Swords Level 59 5-slot version only: Spear Level 1 Regular: Pike Level 14 Regular: Long Pike Level 20 Regular: Partisan Level 26 Regular: Lance Level 32 Regular: Knight Lance Level 38 Regular: Longinus Level 50 Regular: This spear has a attack speed one level faster then most spears.
Hallowed Spear Level 59 5-slot version only: Round Shield Level 1 Regular: Hoplon Level 13 Regular: Kite Shield Level 19 Regular: Eltaphen Level 25 Regular: Phoenix Shield Level 31 Regular: Tower Shield Level 37 Regular: Can be purchased in Silveran; Can be purchased in Apulune Worship: War Hero Level 43 Regular: Steel Castle Level 49 Regular: Wyvernhorn Shield Level 56 5-slot version only: Bowen Shield Level 59 5-slot version only: Because of the recent market flood of them, they are very cheap and a very good value compared to the much more expensive legend weapons at similar levels.
The screens listed here only have one possibility of the many stat combos that can be found on these items. The level weapons could be found by killing earth trolls, water mobs, and parasites. The level weapons could be found by killing fire monkeys, fire trolls, and fire larvae.
I am missing two fighter Pando weapons and the Nomoun Shield. If anyone who can provide me with those screens I would greatly appreciate it Or even loan them to me for a minute in-game so that the screenshots match up.
What to wear…what to wear? Here begins the Armor Guide for fighter. I would like to start by noting that there are 7 levels of armor: Here is the breakdown:. This armour is normally available for all modes, even if it has more slots than would normally be allowed.
These are available to weapons and armour and vary widely from armour to armour. You can randomly re-roll the orange stats on your armour to get more preferable ones using an AP item. For obvious reasons, the list below is incluside, but not exclusive.
Copper Gauntlets Level 2 Regular: Reward for completing a quest in Map 1. Copper Boots Level 3 Regular: Complete the four simple parts of this quest to receive noble lvl3 boots. Copper Pants Level 4 Regular: The quest-giver, Kei Bierhawk, is the protection merchant in Beika Town.
They are just south of the word Beika on the map. Copper Armor Level 5 Regular: Copper Helm Level 1 Regular: This was an event promo item. In appearance it is the same as the Mirage Helm shown later in this guide.
Bronze Gauntlets Level 8 Regular: Quest reward in map 1; Can also drop in Cornwell Ruin. Bronze Boots Level 9 Regular: Quest reward in map 1, for killing zombies, received at a caravan near Cornwell Ruin.
Bronze Pants Level 10 Regular: Bronze Armor Level 11 Regular: Quest reward in map 1. Retrieve 15 woodpiles instead of the 5 required in order to receive the Noble Armor. Metal Gauntlets Level 15 Regular: Reward is 1, exp, 8, gold, noble level 15 glove.
This glove is the best available for PVP Metal Boots Level 16 Regular: Metal Pants Level 17 Regular: Metal Armor Level 18 Regular: Metal Helm Level 15 Regular: Plate Gauntlets Level 22 Regular: Plate Boots Level 23 Regular: Plate Pants Level 24 Regular: Plate Armor Level 25 Regular: Mirage Gauntlets Level 29 Regular: Quest will be started automatically once you receive the drop if you are the appropriate level.
If not, level a couple times and right click the item to start the quest. Complete it for the dread gauntlets. Mirage Boots Level 30 Regular: Complete it for the dread boots. Mirage Pants Level 31 Regular: Complete it for the dread pants.
Mirage Armor Level 32 Regular: Complete it for the dread armor. Mirage Helm Level 30 Regular: Trade 30 spirit cores for the helm. Spirit cores can be found from the Sealakels just south of the town or the Goblin camp to the south east.
This item is only from AP events and is a sought after item because of its uses in the PvP zone. Sylma Gauntlets Level 36 Regular: Sylma Boots Level 37 Regular: Sylma Pants Level 38 Regular: Sylma Armor Level 39 Regular: Sylma Helmet Level 37 Regular: From a level 36 quest in Silvaren.
You have to trade 30 nightmare cores for it. Nightmare cores drop from most Map 3 mobs. Porch Pants Level 40 Regular: It features the same style as Sylma armor but with blue piping. Porch Armor Level 40 Regular: Mithril Gauntlets Level 43 Regular: Drops from mobs in Maitreyan Dungeon, drops in Cloron level 1 Dread: No confirmed examples in existence.
Mithril Boots Level 44 Regular: Mithril Pants Level 45 Regular: Can be purchased in Apulune Heroic: Drops from mobs on top level of Maitreyan Dungeon, drops in Cloron level 1 Dread: Drops from the dragon form of the Freezing Mirage boss.

Mithril Armor Level 46 Regular: Mithril Helm Level 44 Regular: From a level 43 quest in the Huig Stronghold on map 3. You have to trade 30 pint cores for it. They drop from most map 3 mobs.
Note that this is NOT a legend helm. Is only available from AP offers. Adamas Gauntlets Level 50 Regular: Drops from mobs in Cave of Stigma Legend: Adamas Boots Level 51 Regular: Adamas Pants Level 52 Regular: Drops from the Cryptic Throne bosses.
Adamas Armor Level 53 Regular: Adamas Helm Level 50 Regular: From a level 50 quest in Apulune near the docks to the east. You have to trade 3 lvl 3 endure lapises and 15 Dark Mage Stones for it. Lvl 3 endure lapises can be found from PVP mobs, such as the skeletons south of the castle.
Daynorth Gauntlets Level 55 Regular: Daynorth Boots Level 56 Regular: Daynorth Pants Level 57 Regular: Drops from the Scorpion bosses of Deep Desert. The Scorpion bosses are considerably harder then the Troll bosses needed for the top, which means Legend and Dread Daynorth Pants are expensive and rare.
Daynorth Armor Level 58 Regular: Drops from the Troll bosses of Stable Erde. Vallum armour is available only in 6slot variety. It can be used by HMs and UMs. Vallum Gauntlets Level 60 6-slotted: Available from a L60 quest on map 5.
Random drop on map 5. Vallum Boots Level 61 6-slotted: Available from a L64 quest on map 5. Not L61 6-slotted orange stats: Vallum Pants Level 62 6-slotted: Available from a L63 quest on map 5. Vallum Top Level 63 6-slotted: Available from a L65 quest on map 5.
Justia armour is available only in 6slot variety. It comes with orange stats. Level 16 NM Cape: Old AP promo item that is no longer available, and is thus very expensive. Level 31 NM Cape: Can be purchased in Apulune for 30M gold price?
One of each stat available. Level 33 HM Cape: Cape of the Nemesis. Adds 11 str and 11 rec. Level 48 HM Cape: Cape of the Revenge. Adds 16 str and 16 rec. Level 54 HM Cape: Cape of the Vengeance. Adds 18 str and 18 rec.
At the moment that includes left to right, top to bottom:. You will be in this map from level 1 to around level 20, after which you can safely handle map 2 mobs and can enter map 2 through the portal in the southwest. Keolloseu is the main city and contains gates that will take you to other maps.
As a fighter you will start the game in the town of Beika, in the northwest. In this map, though you can complete all the quests, the quests that give gear and items for a fighter will be located mostly on the west side of the map.
Cornwell Ruin, at the far west, is a good leveling place for around level, depending on mode. The Cloron dungeon in the southeast is a awesome leveling place for when you are around level You will need to spend a significant time on map 2 before you go there, otherwise you will just die.
At the bottom level is the Cloron Troll and Cloron Dragon, bosses that drop high level items. Also located on this map is the first PvP zone, for levels Roughly speaking, mob difficulty increases as you go further south.
Willieoseu Map 2 If you entered the southwest portal from map 1, you will appear at the farm in the northeast on this map. Arktuis Vill is the main city here, with Silveran down south being a close second.
You should remain in the upper half of this map from around level 20 to around level 30, when you can start moving south. As a general rule, mob difficulty increases in a spiral on this map, the easiest mobs being in the northeast, then becoming harder as you venture towards the northwest, with the hardest mobs being in the centre in Maitreyan.
Perhaps one of the more important parts of this map is the first Epic Quest, which will give you a powerful level 25 weapons for free see the weapon section for details. If you use dual weapons instead, you might want to ensure you take another special quest located just above the lighthouse at the west middle of the map at level Around lvl35 you can either enter map 3 through the portal in the southwest or head to Maitreyan.
Again beware, Maitreyan is very difficult, especially solo. Maitreyan is home to the famous legend-armor-dropping boss, Ankylul, and his minions. Adellia Map 3 If you came from the portal in map 2 you will appear in the far North middle of the map.
The main town to the south is Huigronn, and it has portals to numerous places, including Skulleron Pandorashys. If you are around level 35 you should head west to the beach, goblins and sealakels are good mobs for you for almost another levels which should unlock the next mode for you if you are NM or HM.
This map can keep you busy all the way to level 50, Aquilus Tor in the south being the hardest place. If you are interested in leveling your toon further, Pandorashys is a good choice, as is the Jungle and Desert Maps in Karis see following maps.
The Cave of Stigma in the far northwest is a high level dungeon that has bosses who drop level 5 stat lapises. However, it is the best spot in the game for farming L5 lapis, so is almost always crowded out.
Once you reach L58 or so, you can see if you can find space in there though. It can be reached through a gatekeeper in Huigronn. The mobs here can easily keep you busy to level 58, but compared to the jungle or desert maps they give low exp.
On another note Pando is the home of the famed Lapis Quests. Three times from levels you can complete a quest for the reward of a random level 4 or 5 stat lapis, or even a level 6 effect lapis as far as anyone can tell it is random.
Pando is the last high-level place without the added danger of PvP and Fury toons involved. It can be reached from the portal near the middle of Keolloseu. There are several quests here but beware of the opposing faction if you intend to complete them.
There is a single alter to fight over. This zone includes the dungeon of Pharos, an excellent place to level during these levels. Not only is the dungeon Fury free, unlike most leveling places in PvP zones, but it also gives nice exp and the boss of the dungeon, Pharos, drops some nice PvP weapons see the weapons section earlier in this guide for more info.
Beware obviously going through the PvP zone to reach the dungeon — even though you are still in the lightside base, furies occassionally stray there. There is one alter here to fight over. Level 3 and I think L2? At the bottom of D2 is Kimuraku — a boss who drops L1 elemental lapis.
Sky City is a portal in the middle of the map, above the huge tree. The Jungle dinosaurs, crocodiles, and turtles can drop Strength, Wise, and Intelligence dual lapises. These will be green at levels The troll mobs can drop level 56 noble, dread, or legend boots.
The troll mobs will be green at levels The two troll bosses, one in the middle of the water circle to the north and one in the middle peninsula further north, can drop level 58 noble, dread, or legend tops very rarely.
These bosses will be green at level The portal for Oblivion Island is also located at the northern part of this map. It can be accessed only by a raid party of 18 people or more, and only at certain times. In the centre of the map is a portal to Caelum Sacra, an instanced dungeon that can only be entered with a party.
The angel just outside will give you a quest to get a L55 elemental weapon, which is worth getting. The scorpion boss, in the far south, can drop level 58 noble, dread, or legend pants very rarely.
He is very strong, and I would advise not trying to attack him until levels 59 or Deep Desert 2 When you enter from DD1, you will appear in the centre far-east. Here reside some small scorpion and caterpillar mobs, along with zombies, plants, and some mini-bosses over near the temple to the west.
I would advise not trying to grind here until around level These mobs drop the fairly useless and inexpensive accessory lapis, so some people may prefer the Jungle or Deep Desert 1 for the better drops. The screenshot is slightly out of date and the entry portal has been moved since then.
Just as dungeon mobs and monsters in Pando are much harder than normal mobs, mobs in map 5 are - significantly - harder than any previous mobs you will have encountered. You cannot effectively solo here, and it is - highly - recommended to use a cont if you are UM even if you have never felt the need before.
After that progress to Kobolts or possibly the Black Vine area they have lots of ranged mobs there though…. Despite this being a lightside map, it is possible for Furies to take relics in Kanos Illium and then invade.
There should be two small flags added to your HUD. If these show an axe and a shield, then a portal has been opened and fury can enter the map. Even if the portals are closed though, it is possible for fury to still be in the map, so beware.
The entrance portal is in the southeast. It is split into 4 quarters, each containing a different element. Clockwise from the top, the elements are earth, water, wind and fire. If the northwest and centre portals are both taken, a second portal will open in your base in the southeast, allowing alliance into the fury Map 5.
Apulune This is the shopping district of Shaiya. Dragging items into the shop and setting a price for them will let other players buy stuff from you. Towards the south east, there is a gatekeeper near to the bank teller and the gold bar merchant which will allow you to teleport to the Bootleggery area or some similar name.
This is an area for both fury and alliance, but you are unable to PvP here. Some very important things are needed for a fighter AOE. I prefer the Dual Swords and 2hnded sword combination. Other combinations will certainly work though, choose what is fun for you.
I do recommend having duals in your combination though, and I will cover why later on. Second you will need your AOE skills, which fighters will have many of as time goes on. I will soon be posting screenshots of what my skill bar looks.
The skills used in and of themselves do not matter so much as you follow a few important points. First debuff the mob. This is essential simply because you are being hammered on by many mob and not just a single mob or two like the standard.
Next would be any damage over time skills, ie Pollution Zone. Both of these skills are 1 handed skills so that is my start weapon. Skill bar number 3 is my dual swords, making a very quick switch.
At this point your choices are to run If your health is getting low and the mob still has fair health or to add a 3rd stage to the AOE. I have recently added the 6th slot on my skill bar with a Legend Angervadil and 7th would be Wild Wild Dance.
At that point I pot if need be, swap my duals back on and run till Windspins are recharged which will most always finish the mob netting 10 to 15 kills in the time it takes to kill 3 solo. Rest up and reset your weapons to their proper places ready for the next bunch.
Select a single mob in your bunch. This one mob should be among the strongest you are gathering. If you do not select one mob, the Wind Spins will not work, nor will Wild Wild Dance as they both require mob to be selected as attacked.
If your selected mob dies before other mob, reselect a mob, it is essential to always have one selected or you may be clicking an attack while 10 mob hammer at you with nothing coming back at them. Be sure you have your start weapon equipped.
If you have duals you will miss some very important attacks and it may throw the entire pull to pieces, bringing you a painful death. This is much quicker damage taking then most grinds will be. If you do not have pots get pots.
You can sit and still get much more experience then the standard grind. Test your mob to see how the damage they take goes. The opposite is also true. Even having mob that dies at the end of one run of AOE is almost too low.
You will out grind the spawn and not be AOEing to potential. Fastest experience I have found left all mob dead after 1 full round of AOE and 2 more windspins to finish them off. On both points I think those people are wrong.
Including cost in nos I still have brought back profit from my grind. In all levels all the way from 37 the lvl I started solo AOE to lvl47 I made a lvl before my nos ran out, and made more gold then the Nos cost me just by selling everything to NPC when my inventory was full.
These are your second and third weapons and losing an uber lapised or epic weapon hurts. Beware of the stragglers. Even the most well dexed fighters miss. From time to time you will have a single mob or two near dead or even only half dead.
Be on the lookout for these mob and strike them down fast. This is why I use duals, my Legend Driitz not only carry more attack power then any of the other weapons I use, but they have attack speed the other weapons cannot match.
Normal mob are usually too spare to truly AOE many mob at once without too much running. Dungeon mob have better drops, more experience and are usually close enough together to allow a constant grind and optimal lvling. I have always played up the high dexed fighter and this is true even more so in UM.
My normal mode was a solid 2str 3dex fighter to lvl 50 with zero issues. My HM was a 4str 3dex and again more unbeatable against like lvls of all classes with the exception of one VERY high dex Ranger who I beat once and pwned me every other time.
Lapis was heavy to rec and str. After lvl45 I start adding points more randomly. Alil more str this lvl, alil more dex on this one. Basically whatever I felt would add more to my grind.
Build however you would like, but you NEED to be able to hit consistently and get missed consistently High dex as well as be able to take a beating Good rec. Str, while essential is not completely nessisary.
If more comes to me I will add it and edit it. Also feel free to add more points and I will edit my post as needed. Did a lot of human Toriel sketches today, this was the only one I felt like cleaning up a bit.
Veils are still fresh right? The rest of the outfit is more or less the same. The year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth was taken in for treatment last week. This has been a great experience. I write this at the dock at Kaneohe Yacht Club.
Rene picked me up and took me to the Wilsons for Breakfast and that long awaited shower. We all got along in a 39 foot boat, sharing bunks, working to a rigid watch system, eating, drinking, sailing for 2 whole weeks.
No-one lost their temper! No-one publicly criticized another, no-one refused to help another or take their turn - it was truly a great experience. Will I do this again? Well now it is more that 24 hours since we finished, and the parties at KYC are in full swing - yes I would like to.
I feel more confident about my abilities to handle sailing problems in difficult conditions - so yes. Would I sail with this crew? I can't believe how we all got along. Would I sail on Hooligan?
She is a fine boat - well behaved and comfortable. Well equipped and a joy to sail. So I look forward to another Pacific Cup race. Signing off Ian one of the Hooligans. This is similar to a "Let's play" thread but not really on the same vein, so i thought it would be ok to open it up here by now Either way, the idea is this: Sharing the same account.
Those who want to play but dont want to download and instal the client, can help making decesions via screenshots and talking in this Thread. The goal Is to reach Endgame. Endgame will be defined by that point where a character can acess all areas of the game and survive for at least 5 whole minutes in those places.
Everybody will play with the same account, and that's where communication kicks in big time. People will be able to Schedule thei game sessions. So, if today i can play and nobody has reserved today, i come here post when i'll most likely be playing dont have to be exact So, of course, it's expected no "assholish" behavior like "stealing" the account since multiple users will own the password or selling gear without talking to people here first.
The evolution of our avatar will also be picked as a group decision But if the majority wants to make a tank, you dont go around making a Quickcaster The same applies to Buying and selling itens and skills. Other than that, you can do whatever you like.
Do quests, mob hunt, raid, whatever.. The only point in common for all players are these: The very first thing you must do is pick a game. I strongly suggest you pick a game you never played before.
We go blind and we go bold into it. So i'll post some suggestions, and you guys vote or suggest other games that you never played before. As soon as we have our game picked, you all can download the client, and I'll make the account, passing it to all players via PM.
Because this is actually official Art for the game http: You can check gameplay videos by simply typing "Gameplay" and the game name on Youtube as soon as we pick the game, we can start downloading and talking about what character we will make.
I'd like to take a ganter at this. I'm getting tired of all my old games. Though, Bells, we would have to make sure everyone can run the game, so post sys requirements maybe? But but but account sharing?
Isn't it against the rules? Atlantica Online seems nice, too. The most demanding of all of these is Atlantica Online, so, if you can handle it, you can handle them all http: There are so few It's the best way i can think of.
Let's say you have time to play on Fridays, during the afternoon, so you come here and you book that time slot for you. Now, all the players know you will be logged on during that timeframe. If you're not going to use that timeframe, just post here and cancel it.
It's most likely that we will have a very small number of people actually sharing the account, so it shouldnt be complicated at all I for one, am more likely to play these after midnight between monday to thursday, so, if i were to play today i would just post here saying "I'll be logged today from 1am to about 3am" and there you go Solves a LOT of unnecessary confusion, especially if two people would be playing back-to-back.
We could make a big ol' scheduler thing. Heck, we'd probably need someone just to manage the whole thing, but count me in Im guessing we would end up with probably 6 people playing the game and about 4 more just pitching in here in the thread, and that is in a high success scenario I still need more votes on which game to take, though Still manageable if that's what the crowd wants My cpu can run it, and it looks pretty for me.
I keep forgetting that the laptop I will be running this on can run Far Cry 2 almost. I worry about the processor though. It's only a 2 gig single core. Well, that's good enough for me!
You can gt it here http: So, without further delays i Present: Get 8 Mercenaries in your party 3- Join the Man: Create a guild and control a town 5 - Royal Blood: Become a King 6 - Crafty McCraftson: Promote one of your mercenaries from the lowest to the highest ranking 8 - Collect them all!!
Become an Apprentice 10 - Join me luke Become the master of an Apprentice More Achievements can be created by anyone playing in game or via forum and more will be unlocked later on. The player that gets the Achievement can claim it in the Thread!
OUR AVATAR In atlantica we can pick one of 7 characters, these are quite cool looking and different, here are our picks, you all can vote on which we should make so we can start when someone finishes the download first.
Flame Sword extra Damage Good Stat: Lightning Spear extra damage Good Stat: Freezing Axe Paralyzes targets Good Stat: Silence Locks magic skills Good Stat: Blessing of Life heal Good Stat: You can Play by Downloading the Client and sharing our account, or you can play by following the Thread and giving your opinion and ideas.
Even though I wont myself play this I'm not multiplayer guy that much but as I strongly support this thing inside my mind I'll say that Listen Bellsouth Minion. Long range chacters will in theory at least easy to level up because you can run away easier and still do damage.
That's the plus side of long range even though in end game it will probably be so that melee chacters will do more damage but long range chacters will still be able to be away from actual battle. But basically, choose cannon, bow or gun people!
I'm gonna go with gun. Based on nothing more than what I see here. I'll get to downloading the game sooner or later. I'll start downloading this week, but I can't say for sure yet how long it will take after that for me to get playing.
I would be ok going Gun too if everybody is onboard, but Axe's Freezin skill seems highly praised. I'm going to vote for Bows, because I just love the idea of silencing mages. In other words, shooting them in the throat. Do note that if your main character dies in Atlantica, your team is defeated, so putting yourself in the rear rank is a good idea.
You can still do this with a melee character, but who wants to play a swordsman in the third rank? Wouldn't suggest all-range, though. It's a tactical game, so you'll need melees in the front rank to soak damage, since range characters are pretty weak at that.
Can't kite either, since all battles shift to a tactical grid once they begin. But as there doesn't seem to pure mage type chacter offensive magic I mean! Or is it only for enemies or just certain classes?
I would myself say that go for guns or bows as it seems that guns do good damage and bows are useful against mages. And basically I would say that both mages and meelee fighters can cause lots of damage, so it would be good take care of them first.
Archers all kind can be irritating though and you can shoot them with your bullets and arrows too! And what is going to be your chacter sex and name? This seems to be quite interesting and I will probably enjoy laughing at yo..
Don't laugh at me! More enemies with lots of armor or more with magic? If the former, go with guns, if the latter, bow. Everybody has skills and some form of magical attacks, Staff users though, are move towards healing magic, which as far as i know, it's exclusive to those types of characters.
A quick glide on the forums shows that Axe and Cannon are the "PvP" and "Quick Level" characters of choice, due to damage and skills i was looking toawrds cannon, but i liked Gun better In a while i'll bring some more details about the Cannon and Gun characters sorry about the Bow user but form what i've seen the silence skill isnt really all kick ass as i would like to be, all you need is a monk or a "Green magic" type unit to get in the clear.
I'll post comparisons between Cannon and Gun so we can make the final call in a minute or two, keep giving ideas! The gun's long range ability inflicts damage to 3 enemies in a straight line. Piercing damage Power Rate: Plus, we can get archers as Mercenaries So, if everyone is Ok, we're going with Gun, right?
As someone who's played this game but probably won't participate in this, if you go gun, be sure to get another gunner merc, IMO. The "piercing" quality isn't anti-armor, it is a poor translation way of saying that gunners hit everyone in a row, from front to back.
This is nice, because they're the only people that can hit third row mages generally without taking out the front, but the damage is severely reduced for every enemy behind the first. Archers tend to do more damage to their primary in my experience, but they only hit one enemy.
Line-fighters like spearmen and gunners really shine in groups or pairs however, my current party is a staff main, 3 spearmen, 2 gunners and a monk, and linear blitzing is absolutely awesome. If im not mistaken we can only hire Sword's as mercs in the beggining We also can share ideas about how to level up, what sort of gear we should look, if we should fish or create itens You cna download the client as a 2 part direct-download so you can use programs like Flashget or using several download mirrors, or a torrent file, and there is even a Downloader provided on the site itself that allows you to pause the download.
Starter mercs are sword, spear, gun, and archer. Shamans at level We just need to recruit DFM to write an epic metastory and Arhra to attempt the incredibly difficult parts over and over for hours on end, while I make smartass comments about the things that happen in the game.
I'm voting for gun main and a sword merc too. I haven't really looked into the game much don't have time at the moment but when I get a chance I'll download the client! Or maybe a rotation so that when it's someone's turn they'll be able to prepare?
I also find it kinda funny that Atlantica was picked. To anyone who is insterested: I was going to use Spoiler2 tags to hide these they are big but i dont want to get warned We have our Gun. I picked Female, becaus, as you can see Also i tried to customized the character very few options So i ended up Nariko-ing our Character!!
I picked the name, because, since i wouldnt be able to please everyone, i just went for the displease everyone angle. An angel greets us at the Tutorial stage, where she gives us our first Quest.
We get out to the world There is a small arrow following us. ANd it's pointing to the opposite direction!! Well, that's our quest guide. You see, it points you towards your quest goal!
Well, let me tell you. I run a Sempron 1. Im right under mininal spec. So i had to go in game you cant do it from outside and change the settings to the all mininal req I personally dont mind playing this way So, out of 5 graphic seetings, im running on 2.
Now he gives me these options of who i can hire! And ofcourse, that's a major game decision, so you all have to pitch in. All mercenaries come with skills of their own that are the same that our NuklearGun Nookie for petname: D could have on that class.
So, we have the Archer who is a sniper, the Swordsman who is a tank and debuffer breaks shields and the Lance who just seems really brutal, and the Gunner who is just a copy of our main char.
So who is going to be guys? Also, if you want to play this but dont want to download the client, here are some important info for future decisions. A'la Diablo, itens break. Refining makes them stronger and more durable Enchant: Might be very important but risky.
It allow us to improve our own weapons! We have 19 hours left. I dont know what this is And we have our first Actions, we can get a lot more by leveling up.. If you want to play, download and install the client, and PM me to get the account.
If you want to participate with us but dont want to actually play the game, just pitch in your ideas and opinions and follow the gameplay Also, i would like to play a little more today, maybe test a few battles Our very own skill "Wild Shot" is there too If you want to participate with us but dont want to actually play the game, just pitch in your ideas and opinions and follow the gameplay That will be me, yar.
What a great idea, isn't it? That will be me, yar. So, this is what the score is looking like we have: Vote for the spear frontline as they seem to have enough vitality while loading up on the killiness.
We all know dead men don't fight back! Undead guy is a dead guy. I bet you will download a mod where men will also have boobies. Man boobies, you sure feel disgusted now. Also, stop poking your computer's screen, it's getting dirty.
Okay, I tried it out made a character on another server to see how the game was like. I suggest all of the people planning on playing to do the same. Battles take a little bit to get used the action points, mostly but it's pretty fun.
So, if anyone wants the password to play during the weekend, let me know ok? So far we will be Getting 2 spears unless more people ask otherwise. I think we should get a melee character to aid us. How about swordsman x1 and spearman x1, so we get the feel to both and know better in the future which kind to hire more.
That is why Toyota is evaluating Bluetooth handsets to help ensure quality operation. Where can I find instructions on pairing the handset to the DVD navigation system? These instructions are located on the LetsTalk Web site for Toyota at toyota.
What is the warranty on Bluetooth handsets? Handsets are sold separately and typically have a one-year warranty through the manufacturer. Consumers should check with the handset manufacturer for details about the warranty. Where is the best place to find information about Bluetooth in my Toyota?
Details on how to manage and pair most phones are provided. The Web site includes the following features: Click the "Pair an Existing Phone" button for a complete listing of Bluetooth phones that have been tested by Toyota.
For each phone there will be a feature compatibility chart indicating which features typically work within a specified vehicle. Also, each phone has a user guide that shows how the phone is paired and how to transfer phone numbers into the vehicle system.
Click the "Select a New Phone" button for a listing of available cell phones on the market. Is there a phone number I can call instead of utilizing the Web site? Yes, the phone number is listed on the Web site: This is a new government-mandated process that requires all wireless service providers to allow customers to maintain their current wireless phone numbers when they change service providers.
How does a customer take advantage of WLNP? Customers and dealers should be aware of the following when trying to keep an existing phone number: Your new carrier will need to know information about your existing account.
So for convenience, bring a bill from your existing carrier to your new one. If you don't have a copy of your bill, know the exact details of your account, including name for example, is it billed to "Bill" or "William" Smith, address, account number and phone number.
The process can take a few minutes or a few hours. It could take even longer for your phone to be fully functional such as being able to receive incoming calls. Start the process with your new carrier.
If you cancel your current service with your existing carrier, you may end up losing your number. You may be under contract with your existing carrier, who may charge you an earlytermination fee if you cancel your existing service while still under contract.
You may need a new phone when you switch carriers, even if you are keeping your number. Familiarize yourself with your new carrier's rate plans, coverage area and features, too, because you'll need to choose a new plan.
Your new wireless carrier will need your authorization to move your wireless number from your old carrier. This protects you from carriers switching your number without your permission. Will my wireless local number work if I move across the country?
The "L" in WLNP, "Local" means that when you switch carriers you will be able to keep your number within the same metro area, but you may not be able to keep it if you move outside that metro area. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
The phones on toyota. Performance will vary based on phone software version, coverage and your wireless carrier. Phones are warranted by their manufacturer, not Toyota. Average time on market: Used BMW X5 3.
Inferno Red Crystal Pearlcoat Description: Buckingham Blue Metallic Description: Titanium Silver Metallic Description: Used BMW X5 4. Cuprite Brown Metallic Description: Space Gray Metallic Description: Igualmente el usuario o colega puede consultar o informar sobre los que no figuren en esta la lista usando el.
To view a copy of this license, visit http: Priority ordered case insensative list, where entries were found on atleast 3 different hosts. West Allis, WI Para eyectar el cassette mantener pulsadas las 2 teclas de Av.
El code se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 y se habilita manteniendo pulsada la tecla AS. Para deco total una vez ingresado el code, apagar y mantener pulsadas teclas 1 y 4 y sin soltarlas volver a encender soltar cuando aparece code y volver a ingresarlo Granada SQR Si aparece la radio con un beep de fondo como si estuviera en un test de prueba, esperar hasta que aparezca CODE, si aparecen las 4 rayitas, esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que aparezca CODE Renault BP Se ingresa el code con teclas 1,2,3 y 4.
Viene sin code, salvo que el usuario lo haya puesto. Habilita manteniendo pulsada la misma perilla hasta que aparezca la radio. Cuando se habilita el code, el equipo se apaga. BE Mercedes Al encender el display muestra "Sound 30" y se apaga.
Si aparece Safe 2 esperar 1 Hs. Se ingresa con teclas 1, 2 y 3 y lo habilita manteniendo pulsada la tecla FM-AM hasta que aparezca la radio. ERROR puede durar desde 5 a 45 minutos max. Llave de accesorios en ON y el equipo debe estar apagado.
Si aparecen 4 segmentos fijos, esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que titilen max. Este defecto se produce en el banco de prueba solamente por no tener conectado el terminal 2 a NEG. Ingresar con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. Si el display muestra: Habilita manteniendo pulsada tecla SCAN.
Si al conectarlo aparece SAFE, esperar el tiempo suficiente hasta que aparezca o 1 - - - -. Sound Mercedes Se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. WKC Se ingresa con teclas 1 pone un 1 o nada 2,3 y 4, habilita manteniendo pulsada la tecla U.
Stereo conectado con la llave de accesorios en ON. El code se ingresa con teclas 1, 2, 3 y 4 y lo habilita manteniendo pulsada la tecla NAME. Se habilita manteniendo pulsadas las teclas REW y FF aparece Code y luego el reloj, luego de que aparezca el reloj, comienza a funcionar la tecla Power para encender y apagar.
MF Audio 10 Mercedes Encender aparece CODE con la letra C titilando, pulsar la perilla giratoria de la derecha y aparecen 1 y - - - - 4 segmentos girar la perilla mencionada hasta encontrar el 1er.
Para desbloquearlo dejarlo encendido el tiempo necesario hasta que aparezca CODE. Se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 habilita tecla 5. Luego de presionar la tecla 1, se busca el 1er. Si el display muestra 3 o 4 segmentos fijos - - - esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que los mismos titilen, se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 Habilita tecla Audio.
Si el display muestra 3 segmentos fijos - - - esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que los mismos titilen, se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. Si el display muestra 3 segmentos fijos - - - esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que los mismos titilen.
Se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. CR - etiqueta de tapa dice: CR - Etiqueta de tapa dice: SC etiqueta de tapa escrito: Al encender aparece ID Check, esperar y aparece lokd y luego aparecen los 4 ceros. Navigation Drive unit located under the seat.
Please ship your unit for Free Estimate. Blank screen, wont play DVD, Wint accept disc. Si el display muestra HOLD,. Este equipo posee de perilla de GALA. Code, ingresar con 1,2,3 y 4. Si no se desbloquea, antes de encender mantener pulsadas teclas 1 y 4 y esperar.
Code, se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. Para deco total una vez ingresado el code, apagar y mantener pulsadas teclas 1 y 4 y sin soltarlas volver a encender soltar cuando aparece code y volver a ingresarlo.
Aparece CODE con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 se ingresa y habilita tecla mayor, la de arriba. Aparece CODE con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 se ingresa y habilita tecla Mayor la de arriba si no se desbloquea encender manteniendo pulsadas las teclas 1 y 4.
El code se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y 4 Habilita tecla mayor volumen formando las 4 teclas mayor y menor, es la de arriba. Se ingresa el code con teclas 1,2,3 y 4. Si aparece la radio con un beep de fondo como si estuviera en un test de prueba, esperar hasta que aparezca CODE, si aparecen las 4 rayitas, esperar el tiempo necesario hasta que aparezca CODE.
Encender o conectar y aparece CODE con la letra "C" titilando, pulsar la perilla giratoria de la derecha y aparecen 1 y - - - - 4 segmentos girar la perilla mencionada hasta encontrar el 1er. Se ingresa con teclas 1,2,3 y U.
Al encender el display muestra "Sound 30" y se apaga. Aspecto parecido al de Paliot.
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Why distract people with free candy sugar hits when treating them like adults can innately enhance their performance skills? After nearly a decade of austerity measures in businesses — the infamous cut-backs that remind staff how insignificant they are like sensor-activated light bulbs, using half as many light bulbs!
Already now, companies in central and northern Europe understand that having their employees work outside the office is detrimental to their long-term lifestyle, valuing them more as human beings since rewards for the firm can be obtained in other ways.
If happy wife equals happy life, then surely happy worker equals happy banker! Society is in a period of major flux. Our hybridic lifestyle means that we move like liquid between work and leisure and that time is considered in very different measures.
Slow time, fast time, down time, family time, personal time and interactive time each allow us to design our lives on our own clock, choosing to do things when they are most convenient. This includes work time which is voluntarily dispersed throughout the day, often rewarded by indulgence time as a balance.
Corporate organisations must evolve to mirror these societal changes. The distance between hierarchies will continue to dissolve, with employees reporting to team leaders in big companies and sometimes to no one at all in smaller firms.
In contrast to the pyramid structures of last century, horizontal workforces encourage collaborating together and working independently. This philosophy of sharing is what will guide the office spaces of tomorrow.
Already now, shared office spaces have popped up in our cities: Yet these spaces still lack physical stations where one can store actual materials, often leaving such items at home where they procure a sense of disorder. Lockers, focus rooms and even bedrooms could be added to these sites in order to make the venues more flexible, for when working late or needing to set up early.
Since our metropolises are getting larger and some people live at the suburban frontier, multiple-location workspaces may be needed, organised like chains of communal gyms with subscription members. Sharing rent and sharing equipment means that small business can flourish faster, matched by the sharing of ideas in a freer way too.
As we become more and more immaterial, new sectors and services will become the thing to sell. We will divide into merchants of ideas or merchants of commodities, not unlike during the Renaissance when thought, trade and commerce were the pillars of a thriving society.
At larger organisations, the work area has already changed. To reflect uniqueness within the horizontal work ladder, companies like Google now carpet their floors in a different colour per level; almost to remind everyone that each colourful part in the chain is as important as the other.
Open-plan offices embolden people to work together and provide them with comparatively spacious environments. Annexes and pop-up structures become the architectural method of bringing back a sense of intimacy to this new egalitarian workscape.
With the borders between life and work blurred, smaller offices could embrace a more family-style set-up. Retailers, hotels and showrooms have already established warmer ways of receiving clients; now the office space needs to turn domestic too.
Our team works from laptops and smartphones, adapting position depending on mood or where the light is warmest. In New York, we moved into a West Village townhouse where we have taken the live-work module to an entirely new level.
With domestic quarters on different stories, we hold client meetings on dining tables or in the cosiness of the kitchen, we take breaks to do a spot of gardening and we host functions in our cinema room or on the parlour floor by the fireplace… With the possibility of multiple events taking place in various rooms throughout the day, the home becomes a showroom and the showroom feels like a home.
Enticing clients to come see us rather than the other way around has become a whole lot easier. This style of branding reflects how we collaborate with our clients as partners. We bond with them and appreciate the human connections we forge in life as in business.
The idea of impressing them with a haughty loft space or pretentious props is no longer relevant. Instead we sit upon shaker furniture and bake them homemade cakes. And cocktail time of course becomes the most sought-after moment to set up appointments, with everyone ready to come join us for an end of day drink.
Despite recently facing the prospect that it could be banned permanently, Neon is blazing a new and invigorated trail, through art and advertising campaigns. The underwear of the urban worn as flashy, evocative outwear, by the buildings and billboards of the city scape; flaneuring purposefully between the worlds of art and advertising, since the s.
The marketplace is particularly diverse at the moment with work coming in from the large multiples, TV, film, fashion and photographic industries, as well as art commissions from both the corporate sector and private individuals.
The market place is particularly diverse at the moment with work coming in from the large multiples, TV, film, fashion and photographic industries, as well as art commissions for both the corporate sector and private individuals.
Quite often the client will present us with nothing more than a very rough pencil sketch of their idea or concept, from this sketch we would normally enlarge the drawing up to full size and draw the glass onto the design in the required diameter that we intend to bend.
The drawings areor argon gas depending on the colour required. The glass is then pumped with either neon. We were certainly enthused here at Kemp London when Transport for London approached us to manufacture neon artworks for the launch of the night tube service in time for the Rugby world cup.
The neon commissioned was to be representative of the actual tube lines with the glass crossing above and below each other creating an amazing tube map, the neon was initially displayed at the top of the Shard reflecting in the glass over the London skyline and was visible from across the City.
When creating my own neon artworks I normally draw inspiration from vintage items of yesteryear giving the artwork a blend of the modern mixed with a retro flavour. I quite often upcycle old enamel signs that are between 50 and years old mounting them on aged mild steel mounts and facing them off with neon highlights.
She contributes to magazines and trend agencies, focusing on cool kids and cultural innovation. With any deconstruction comes creation. Several months ago a moving truck arrived at Atelier Ted Noten and transported everything in the workspace of the Dutch artist based in Amsterdam to Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam.
From the contents of his atelier, ranging from furniture to machines, sketches and prototypes, a tower was constructed. Noten sets himself free from strongly-held beliefs and behaviours by emptying his studio space.
On a daily base an update from his atelier is send and printed for display in the exhibition space of the museum. Noten did not approach the exhibition as a literal retrospective but as tool to progress his future. Sitting in an empty space is what I want to do right now.
For Ted Noten the collaboration with Boijmans van Beuningen is about breaking his habits by not having the regular impulses around. The tools and materials of the artist have defined the vocabulary of his artistic practice for several decades, now is his time to remain silent.
Paradoxically, instead of experiencing freedom in his Non Zone the artist instead has become very aware of the restrictions of his profession and career and the public hunger for newness. His audience seems to want more and wants it now.
Annemartine Van Kesteren, design curator of the museum: The idea of an exhibition that generates a new work ethic appealed to me. We are curious for the results on the long term and hope to contribute to it with this exhibition.
As Noten wants his new ways of working to evolve gradually so did the invitation for the exhibition at Boijmans van Beuningen came about. He sent a postcard from the museum shop, depicting The Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel on the cover, to the director of the museum requesting it for a loan for an earlier exhibition he was curating.
Next to the tower a dark room with gold coloured furniture showcases a selection of objects created by the artist in the past ten years, all 3d prints constructed out of layers of yellow paper. This monotone series of reproductions are an iconic example of the mindset of the artist as we know it today.
What is the difference between an original and a reproduction? These are questions that preoccupy Ted Noten. Interview Photo by Jules van den Langenberg. Tyrap, Photo Atelier Ted Noten. Interview Photo Jules van den Langenberg.
Photo Atelier Ted Noten - Right: Zaaloverzicht Ted Noten, Non Zone. Last week, in one of the rooms of the historical Singer Museum, Edward van Vliet created a personal office environment just like a 3D diary…. Van Vliet got inspired by the glass Cabinets of Curiosities we know from museum or biology class at school.
The ones with bizarre objects and glasses with body parts in it. A cabinet like a 3D diary. The clouds on the ceiling looked like a Rembrandt painting. The portraits on the wall — pictures from Rademakers Gallery — were also in Old Masters style.
With his filing cabinet, Edward Van Vliet wants to inspire the makers of office interiors. Any professional can do this. With a filing cabinet made partly out of glass, all offices can have a Cabinet of Curiosities on their own.
Both national and internationally reknowned museums, publishers, magazines, brands, designers and manufacturers choose to hire this creative couple to do their creative work. For years the Art world continues to question himself about the meaning of making art and about the evolution of the Art system.
The answers to these questions are no longer clear and defined as before. Sometimes they are very detailed and complex and sometimes the answer is right in the change metamorphosis. To look at what is in evolution is an enriching experience much more than look at pompous form of what has already found all the answers in a plasticity without cracks, no loopholes, no spaces of penetration for free interpretations.
Through its access to the indefinite, the art work opens the way of exploration and endless knowledge. Their Installations and videos made possible a critical approach of the original aspects of the intimate life of Dali.
The indefinite in this case becomes a weapon of seduction expressed through a Drag Queen, just like a work of art can accommodate in itself the indefinite as coexistence harmonious or conflictual of opposites.
The visual effect is that of a suspended red sea, under which are moored two old boats. The explanation for this exciting installation comes to us by the artist himself: In totemic sculptures of Huma Bhabha live charm of science fiction with archaic images from Aboriginal and African sculpture, like a masque that makes possible the coexistence of different identities on the same person.
The liquid paint of Marlene Dumas allows us to wander through faces without race or gender that make us retreat and intrigue at the same time. Camille Norment in the Nordic Pavilion probe the limit beyond which it is possible the coexistence of glass and sound, confronting the essence of the story, that needs to be write everyday, through balance and breaks, so that the limit becomes a means to go further.
Her work is focused on projecting and setting exhibitions, fair stands, paper advertisements. In December Comforty met for the first time Alessandro Mendini and decided to invite him to work with them on special pieces.
Alessandro Mendini collaboration is also a nice continuation of his previous experiences with Polish designers. Dorota Koziara, with whom we are working on Comforty stands and some products, had worked in Atelier Mendini for almost 10 years.
Maja Ganszyniec, the designer of Mellow collection, this year novelty, spent 4 months in the atelier. In, at the occasion of the EU accession, the first big exhibition of A. Mendini was curated by Dorota Koziara. And this is when we met for the first time and decided to invite Mr Mendini to work with us on the pieces for Comforty.
The idea for the pieces was to create a jewelry like, precious objects that will have a very contemporary use in the interior. Mendini took this opportunity to propose something that will bring back the old craftship technique, but applied here with the modern technology of the precise cutting the veneer on the plotter.
The objects receive this very contemporary look, they are light and perfectly manufactured yet very modern and rational. So the artistic, decorative effect seems almost like a play with the past, also in this personal aspect.
Besides the artistic expression of Mendini different periods and fascinations, the name refers to Dorota Koziara, with whom Mendini worked on so many projects. By placing the concept of the products designed for Comforty between the traditional and the contemporary, Alessandro Mendini introduced versatile pieces into the collection — tables and stools, and a rare inlayed wood technique.
Traditional craftsmanship merged with new technology results in perfect shapes that become a medium for neo-pop and abstract compositions. In a return to basic forms, the archetypal geometry allowed for the design of three cylindrical forms of different heights and diameters that can shift from one function to another.
Depending on the need, they are easily adaptable to various settings as seats, tables and stools. The geometric simplicity is made sophisticated through the generous texture of the natural wood — walnut, ipe lapacho and elm veneer.
Here are the words of Mendini about Do-Ro-Ta collection: These three little pieces from Do-Ro-Ta furniture feature cylinders of different heights and diameters. The first is a very low, wide stool suitable for two or three people; the second is a conventional stool for one; and the third is a small coffee table.
Their decorative look is provided by a composition of three different types of inlaid wood that generate naturalistic and abstract figures with a neo-pop character. The wood confers a poetic and organic feeling on these three objects.
They are like geometrized tree trunks brought inside the home. All over the planet I see signs. Goddess retreats — get-togethers where women are allowed to play, dance and embrace their femininity. I see Sisterhood gatherings, allowing women to hang out and be emotional beings for a while.
Both men and women have both masculine and feminine energies, of course. It is an awakening. Re-awakening of feminine energies, to balance the now dominating masculine. Most probably this movement is a part of one of the unquestionably most prominent trends during the last 15 years or so - the so called new spirituality fronted by yoga and meditation, affecting most other constant changes and movements in different ways, from conscious food to slower living etc.
Nowadays we also seem to acknowledge our soft skills, softer values, and our emotional heart — as great companions to our minds, our logic, and hard facts. In a time when spirituality and science actually are using the same vocabulary; where new age is called now age — and mindfulness is a constructive tool also in large masculine structured corporations.
For the first time in American history the work force was dominated by women, several other countries reached this point in Note also that worldwide more women today have higher educations than men, except in Africa. Did you know this?
No wonder there is a feminine energy awakening happening, and needed for. Because women have different needs to men. Different strengths and qualities. Women are naturally created to become mothers, yet more women than ever are resorting to IVF.
In India the demonstrations against group rapes continues, women in many African countries make magic with micro loans and provide for the next generation. Education for girls in poor countries also empowers growth in a measurable way.
And the examples goes on — happening now. To receive respect and rights, women first have to know, understand and value themselves. So why we long for artefacts such as goddesses, or mirror each other in sisterhood is not anomalous, is it?
And remember that for thousands of years women have sat together in circles sharing stories - a healing practice and a female medicine. The feminine energies are rising for the greater good, beginning with the women themselves.
The architectural installation RAAAF developed functions as a real-life thinking model that enables us to experience and explore the possibilities of a more healthy working environment. In our society almost the entirety of our surroundings have been designed for sitting, while evidence from medical research suggests that too much sitting has adverse health effects.
RAAAF and visual artist Barbara Visser have developed a concept wherein the chair and desk are no longer unquestionable starting points. J ules van den Langenberg graduated at Design Academy Eindhoven and developed himself as design curator and exhibition maker through self initiated projects and freelance works.
Through associative thinking the young, Willy Wonka like, visionair develops narratives and concepts which form fundaments for a variety of curatorial projects. Invited by the Dutch Creative Industries Fund ten designers recently embarked on a journey to explore the cultural landscape of Seoul.
A generation of young designers that share an interest in the concept of ageing and how design can alter elderly life. Amongst others Julia van Zanten who challenged incontinence, a key problem of daily life that can negatively impact quality of life and mental well-being.
Disposable adult diapers do nothing to address the emotional side of dealing with incontinence and are an unsustainable solution. By developing washable textile protective underwear, she researched the stigma of the daily living aid and how designers could re-think the experience of an aid.
This topic was approached through inclusive design principles where the needs of a wider audience are considered, irrespective of age or ability and understood further using active participatory methodologies such as interviews, experience and observation.
These days doctors are like car mechanics. The two professions are becoming increasingly similar. We are too busy. We only seek help after an accident; a dent in our bodywork. With prevention increasingly pushed to the sidelines, the doctor is left to focus on the repair job.
We only take action once problems are obvious and inevitable. Our bodies are allowed little more than the odd emergency pit stop; the aim is always to get straight back onto the road. Yet, that same doctor, the one we do our best to try and avoid — after all, being ill costs time and money — has put us in an incredibly luxurious position.
He and his science have given us a better life! Armed with improved prevention methods, medicines and rosy future prospects, he has given us extra years. Gone are the days of biting the dust at the first cough.
Now we are getting older. In the Netherlands, South Korea and everywhere in the world, except for Botswana. Yet, it appears that evolution occurs at different speeds. While science has rapidly overcome our body, for the time being, our constitution does not look like it can live up to a prolonged existence.
Across the ends of the earth, we still crumple and whither. Light, air and space, a balance in colour and proportion, these were the keys to a healthier life. Eighty years later, the creative industry takes up the gauntlet of this alternative road to health.
Design and applied arts are represented at various locations throughout the year in Seoul, making it hard for the international community to grasp its full scope when visiting only one of the events in the metropolis.
In the coming year I will research which position Dutch design could take in this Korean dream. Jules van den Langenberg graduated at Design Academy Eindhoven and developed himself as design curator and exhibition maker through self initiated projects and freelance works.
Protective Underwear by Julia van Zanten. The contemporary era is characterized by radical technological, economic, cultural and social shifts. Het Nieuwe Instituut aims to illuminate and map a rapidly changing world while at the same time fostering discussion of topics related to the vast field of design.
Het Nieuwe Instituut organises exhibitions, lectures and fellowships, carries out research and development projects, and publishes reports on the outcomes of its projects. The interior changes in response to the exhibition seasons.
Modular wall components were developed for the exhibition The Netherlands builds in brick, and totems of stacked podiums simulate a construction landscape that echoes the Anker building blocks.
With a revolving wheel of chutes, his work introduces a construction landscape that visitors encounter in the basement. Designer Govert Flint collaborated with choreographer Rodrigo Alves Azevedo questions the influence of space on movement, and how an environment is shaped when it is created through dance.
As a second intervention they developed an in-situ experiment around the glass circle in the basement. Govert and a team of designers used pre-fabricated material to respond to the movement of a dancer, to build, to move, to build and so on.
The dancer searches for new movements, the designer for new forms. In the glass circle the third guest intervention took place during the opening, Spatial designer Harm Rensink develops installations based on wellness and relaxation rituals.
During the opening interaction of the public with the Sauna site was filmed, and the resulting film is on display at this exhibition. Michel-Ange lived up to his namesake - a true Renaissance master who handled all artistic mediums with absolute fervour, from gouache to collage via watercolour, painting, pastel and sketching.
His expressive painterly style was reflected in his own artwork which was shown in galleries across Europe. His work for Trend Union and Studio Edelkoort captured the essence of our message, giving us custom-made iconic visuals, inspiring textures and dense beautiful colour harmonies.
You see, to capture the zeitgeist in a fast swoosh of colour is a special phenomena - it strikes at the heart of an idea and starts creative juices flowing. His work made its way into trend books, our magazines View on Colour and InView and countless other studies for our private clients.
The only thing that outshone his art was his own gregarious character; making each of us feel like the most beautiful individual on earth, Michel-Ange was also famous for cooking for teams of 25 people during shoots, catering massive lunches and dinners by filling shopping carts until they overflowed with food and wine and stretching dining tables out the door.
With a heavy heart, we all remember those carefree creative days. Our crazy company has always been one big family and Michel-Ange was our archangel. The group exhibition showcases the work of 31 artists, who each metamorphose areas of the exhibition space.
A startling, and at times disconcerting odyssey into their newly transformed spheres results in a exploration of the depth within the viewers own head. Plunged from room to room into the psyche of the artists, both sensorial and emotional, to take us to the core of our being and challenge and explore this through the artists conception.
Throughout the journey, our interpretations of self and security are subverted and disturbed, and commonplace identified notions in our modern world become dubious. Perceptions about protection, shelter, refuge are called into question, when the safest place to be is standing outside the cabin, sheltered by only our flesh.
The transformation of Palais de Tokyo seeks to draw us inside the organism it has become, but also within our own psychology. It allows the art within to transcend objectivity boundaries and forces us to explore our innermost emotions, binding artist, viewer and gallery irretrievably in the memory.
Habibi Self Title Album Cover. It's a shot of mind - opener. Crossing boundaries in art, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, thoughts, spirits, inspiration and more. Persiennes offers a journey in Iran, from flowers of Isfahan to fashion in Tehran.
A spiritual trip in the oldest civilization coming back on stage now. We will share on a regular base a curation of Persiennes. We are very excited about this cooperation. Sharing is the new black! A complete and inspired artist.
I started Habibi Means My love, in arabic in with my friend and guitarist, Lenny. We had a mutual love for music, specifically for the middle eastern psychedelic music of the 60s and 70s. We both come from creative backgrounds and so playing together just happened naturally.
Well I grew up first generation Iranian outside Detroit, Michigan, which is the birth place of Motown. So I think i am a composite of my lineage, my environment, and whatever i chose to expose myself to. This translates musically, i love minor scales, I also love crystalline harmonies, and I love rock n roll.
I think the music i write reflects all of that. What are your favorite aesthetics from Iran? Thats hard to say, the aesthetics from Iran are all so rich. The islamic architecture built during the Safavid period: I visited these places in Isfahan as a child growing up, and they all have influenced my love and appreciation for art heavily.
My fathers lineage traces back to the Qashqai tribe outside Shiraz, they make the worlds most beautiful tribal rugs, and are known for their original colorful way of dress and jewelry. Well Habibi is now on hiatus, but a couple months ago I started a new project Roya Means Dream in persian with Hamish Kilgour of The Clean and two other close friends, so i have really been enjoying creating in a different way, with different people.
But right now my main focus is writing and recording with Roya, my new band. You are a complete artist, tell us more about your drawings? Is it a new project? But my medium for art changes quite often, for the longest time i was making collages, then I started doing pen and ink drawings and then watercolors, then crayons, etc.
Most of my art is directly influenced by my iranian heritage, it all tends to speak to how I see myself as, who I see my people as, and the relationship between my western upbringing and my deeply rooted eastern ancestry.
Its very personal, like self reflection. Now, something we ask to all people we meet. A sort of tradition… Please give us your 3 favorite places in Tehran? Hafezieh - Persepolis - Naqshe Jahan Square. Habibi, Rahill Jamalifard on the top right.
On sunday the 25th of May the Dutch small town Boxtel transformed into an exhibition landscape with site specific work of 27 designers, artists and architects. Curated by Jules van den Langenberg, Imperial architect for a day, these Local Heroes did not design to save the globe but use form and thinking to blow the dust of daily life in plain contexts.
Jules van den Langenberg: The public space is in desperate need of randomness. All for a one day exhibition. A one day exhibition, what does it mean to create that? From formulating a concept to fund raising, studio visits and defining commissions.
I wanted to create an alternative landscape, a momentum in daily life, which is why the one day exhibition format is interesting to me. The temporariness evoked generosity - and hospitality of volunteers, government and locals.
It also resulted in a challenging program of demands for participating artists, designers and architects. Besides that I started my own practice working on projects as designer, curator and exhibition maker. Eager to expand the notion of curating and the exhibition as a medium.
Could you elaborate on how you defined the selection of participants for this exhibition? Each location was mapped and in a very associative way existing works or specific work methods of artists, designers, architects and makers of all kinds came to mind.
Often right away, sometimes after studying the context or program of the location. The participants vary from local artists like Guus Voermans to internationally renowned designers such as Erik Kessels, who actually studied in Boxtel, to students of the local art school SintLucas but also many makers that have never heard of the village or its quirky whereabouts.
Ted Noten or Leon de Bruijne for instance? Each day thousands of pigs arrive in trucks and disappear into the factory. It was clear to me that Atelier Ted Noten, who have been using the pig in their oeuvre regularly, should participate on this specific location.
How did you pull this off organizational and financially? Charm, wit, and an ambitious plan? Who knows, but the whole thing would have not been possible without the support of many volunteers, three main sponsors and a handful of local companies that financed the new projects that were developed specially for the exhibition.
Local Heroes Wittlich would be interesting to realize by the end of Left - Buurtbus Tour. They have a large workshop in Montreuil, which doubles as a meeting place for a surprising bunch: Something is in the making there, something collective showing its face for the first time in the installations.
They are "marvels" or mirabilia, so appreciated in the sixteenth century, using heterogeneous materials and procedures to make them hold together: Enumerating the components, saying what is happening without describing its content.
Staying on the fringe of meaning. Just below the level of narrative. This economy serves an argument. It takes us with the necessary caution into the zone peopled with incommensurables, opened up by the tragic and obsessing event, which occurred in Japan in March What happened then is still happening now.
Ever since, undesirable particles have been floating in the air and the earth has echoed with what it can do. Who causes disruption in an initially homogeneous environment. Who makes ambiguity evident.
As we explore them, we do not go towards analysis or understanding. We enter into a field of disruption in which what is sought is the preservation and stabilisation of ambiguous states; precision in confusion.
The collective was set up on the initiative of Marc Boissonnade, director of. Jacques in Paris, France. This innovative circuit is organized as an open and inspiring itinerary through Paris.
The event is designed for a public of informed consumers and inquisitive professionals, Rive gauche and rive droite: By the very essence of its culture and its history, Paris might well be the only place in the world where so many people working with and in beauty are united.
For this new edition we just pick out a few events but there is much more in the full program! For some events reservation are needed. The gallery will be open for visitors during the shoot, allowing a new 'behind the scene' experience.
The Guerlain Francs-Bourgeois boutique invites you to explore the raw materials most favoured by their perfumer Thierry Wasser. Discover olfactory creations that tell real or imaginary stories inspired by a romantic encounter, a work of literature or a journey to a far-off land.
For the first time you will enjoy an evening of shopping and fragrance experience in the Marais district Thursday 18th from 6. Lidewij Edelkoort will be part of this event: They are named after the eclectic alchemist sir Robert Fludd and weave together design, art, craft, styling, graphics and illustration.
Studio Flood was invited, together with photographer Rachele Maistrello, to be part of a project that was organized by the group of artists How We Dwell. The project was set in a very clear and strict timeframe of a week and took place on the designated Island of La Certosa, nearby Venice somehow in the middle of nowhere.
The goal was to create its own residence with found materials and tools contained in a kit assigned to them. They had to take care of their selves in a very traditional and artistic way in terms of building an environment and revealing their selves in the basic outer space, there arose an intriguing dialogue between the environmental space and Studio Fludd.
We carefully collected natural and artificial finds, relics and trash, that we put together in order to create furnishings and furniture. Studio Fludd arranged five rooms: The artist group How We Dwell that consists of Christian Menchini, Andrew Grotto, Marco Gobbi and Adriano Valeri created via this project a very refreshing, alternative and extraordinary approach to design and craft.
It creates involvement in the ecology of the island and it makes people aware of the value of re-using materials to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly space. The group aims to shed the terms of the traditional artistic residencies away by reversing the situation.
Looking at the result of the artistic design pieces of Studio Fludd, the space and present freedom led way to a huge amount of creativity with wonderfully intertwined imperfect, humble, natural and artificial objects.
A poor object is formed into something new without losing its identity. Marble owns the ability to exploit our vision and mislead our aerials. No wonder marble has been generating fascination and obsession for centuries due to its ability to make a flexible switch from one purpose to another.
Marble; so strong and still so easy to shape and reshape. Expressive statues made out of marble from the Ancient Greece are able to capture the tactility of silk within their adamant density. Craved fabrics and costumes of the Roman Empire are loosely draped around age-old marble figures, capturing the magic of frisky textile better than any other material.
The preciseness in processed marble has led to new interpretations of visualizing the metaphoric limestone. Marble prints are used upon textiles and by using precious felting techniques poofs, chairs and cushions are marbleized.
Marble is being softened and the already treacherous king of stones is continuing to fool around with our senses. His work is rediscovering the idea and connotations we have with heavy and light materials.
By turning their characteristics around, the works of Thomson are somewhat between sculptural garments and costumed carvings. His refined work is challenging us to touch it and even tickles our imagination, how will his stone garments hang around the curves of our human frames?
Anne Willem Marcus Schenk. The designers on show serve as an introduction to the exhibition as they express the influential power they had on that period. The obscured first floor is dedicated to collages of themes within the past collections of the Flemish designer.
The overwhelming power of the selected creations of artists and designers in dialogue with the work of van Noten offers intimate snapshots of the private mind of the creator. Elsa Schiaparelli parades in the foreground with her Butterfly printed dress from A collection inspired by the transformation of boys emerging into men and all of the aggression and vehemence that are involved in this metamorphoses.
The Mussel Pot, by Flemish artist Marcel Broodthaers is coherently exhibited in front of all of the precious pieces on the floor. While leaving the descriptive themes full of art, videos, sculptures, paintings and fashion on the first floor, behind the second floor visitors are welcomed into the personal botanical garden of Dries van Noten himself.
His fascinations for the horticulture and the exotic have been present since the beginning of his career, and probably even before. From summer flowers to Bollywood and from flower power to orientalism, the work of van Noten is categorized in the breathtaking environment of the museum.
The intimate dialogue amongst Mr. The exhibition is on until the 31st of August in Les Arts Decoratifs and will travel to the city of Antwerp in Belgium afterwards. The conference centered on a few main topics that somehow came from most amazing speakers.
I saw many cats in all videos and audios, it made me long for my cat Adam who died two years ago during Design Indaba. Most designers, architects and artists used perforation to create texture, lightness, dimension and play.
From a perforated poster, to a perforated conceptcar, to a perforated facade to a perforated building. People slicing out inner parts of buildings as if emptying an apple from its core. And then the stairs and bridges and tables that connect people in big corporations and public spaces.
Like ribbons these stairs and bridges and tables stream through space for happiness. The body was omni present in hybrid constructions between gender, past and future, man and animal and man and design. The body as a chair.
Jules van den Langenberg recently graduated at Design Academy Eindhoven. He initiates-, curates - and exhibits projects in which applied art and design are used as a medium to cultivate culture. Jules approaches the world as a library full of potential, with an inexhaustible resource: Within this wonderland of opportunities the young - Willy Wonka like - artistic industrialist travels to meet people and research the social - and cultural impact of all that is man made.
Through associative thinking Jules develops narratives and concepts which form fundaments for publications, exhibitions and self initiated projects as well as commissioned works. Totems by Mayaan Pesach, photo by Mayaan Pesach.
During the past Amsterdam Fashion Week denim brand G-star RAW manifested itself not in a selfish runway show but by generously supporting designers and artists with creating a new work. Ten Dutch creatives were invited to develop a project supported by the G-star RAW atelier, during a one night pop up exhibition the results were displayed.
Leendert Sonnevelt from GlamCult explains: In collaboration unique one off objects were created in which personal creativity was combined with contemporary craftsmanship and RAW denim.
The Phoney club, good girls gone bad, worked on a denim bomberjacket with a bright red lining onto which numerous of gold lighters were applied. The embroidery on the back, 'Burn Baby Burn', makes the object boldly speak for itself.
The Boyscouts, a young and upcoming accessory label, created a delicate denim hat with the skilled hands of the G-Star atelier. And Pepe Heykoop continued his Skin collection with a special edition made out of left over pieces of several RAW denims.
Stefan Sagmeister by John Madere. Happiness seems to be one of the most controversial topics of today. Whereas before more materialistic minds would consider money as the ultimate goal in life. Whether people agreed on the article or not, this happiness issue is definitely a sensitive subject.
Sagmeister is neither a psychologist, nor a philosopher but he is a graphic designer. While taking a sabbatical year in Indonesia, which he initially wanted to dedicate to making furniture, he decided to work on a documentary simultaneously.
Although mister Sagmeister is a reasonable happy person himself, he has been fascinated by: Energetic yellow walls dominate the overall atmosphere and handwritten texts humorously indicate were the restrooms are. The introduction text explains that this exhibition is not made to help becoming a better or happier person but instead it should help the visitors get a better understanding of the concept of happiness.
On the lower level the exhibition continuous with statistical facts about happiness - couples with kids are equally happy to those without kids and marriage actually does increase happiness. The dialogue between the playful design of the exhibition and the psychological research to happiness makes this exhibition unique and incredible interesting for all visitors.
A crowd is waiting in front of the gumball machine installation which challenges visitors to twist the machine with the number on it that indicates their happiness, I decided to look for my luck at machine number seven, no gumball rolled out.
He could see that the comment had moved her and he had probably made her day. Maybe we can only make others truly happy in indefinable situations or at least if the moment is uncontrolled? His casual and fresh way of writing that almost can be interpreted as poems.
Sagmeister expresses the idea that happiness can be found in different situations depending on your personality. A more sustainable fashion future. Most of us say yes to that, without hesitation. We know that the fashion and textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world.
But then it comes down to action, to change — and some of us lose our way. I am at the press conference held by the Copenhagen Fashion Summit. The Danish designer David Andersen is describing how he works according to zero waste.
The discussion continues to talk about circular ways of thinking including new materials, life span, how the ecological footprint of a garment is already decided in the design, recyclability… Since the Danish Minister of Energy and Climate is also attending, we learn that the Minister is wearing a suit made by David Andersen.
But that is really the message; sustainable in every possible way is completely normal. She is today the spokesperson and the face that many of us now associate with the Copenhagen Fashion Summit network.
The Copenhagen Fashion Summit, the last one held in and the next one on 24 April is where we put light and focus on these questions, says Eva Kruse. When we start digging into this the possibilities and solutions are endless, it is about how we can make them accessible to designers and companies.
That is the next step. The cooler the brands the better for the cause. Once the companies start doing something sustainable of course they will have to start communicating. Otherwise how will we know if a garment is made of tencel, and who does even know what that is….
You can even have pink, it is not like there is only possible to have a certain organic colour range. Are the Scandinavian companies a driving force, or is this evolution happening parallel all over the global market in your opinion?
I think the Scandinavian companies can be a driving force. But do I think that Scandinavian companies are more sustainable than others, no. But we can be, I think that it is in our culture to care. Therefore we have met receptiveness in our countries, and we also have a lot of small and medium sized companies that want to do this.
Most companies want to do this, if it was easy! That is why we have tried to make solutions easy and accessible. Is it really correct to say that it is has to be more expensive, financially, for the companies to do this transition, to become more sustainable?
No, not in the long run. To change your production, to source new material, to look into chemical list and so on requires time and effort and might be a luxury that not everybody has.
But that is the short run. In the long run it does not have to affect the cost. And the more it will grow the cheaper it will become. I do not want to kill the industry, we just have to consume more wisely.
Everything that we do, the tools that we create we want to share with our colleagues in other countries so that they can share with the industry of theirs. Instead it is the more the merrier.
Trends and Travel, Online and Offline. Henri III - right: Every sex is enclosed in by a strict socially imposed norm. Masculinity belongs to the man and femininity to the woman. Everything that falls outside of this measure does not belong to the bigger majority and is unfamiliar territory.
Because of that it causes fear and rejection with the greater number. However between the stereotype of a man and the stereotype of a woman lies a broad spectrum that gradually blends together and falls outside of the norm.
If you look back in history you will again and again find historical figures that were standing outside the social convention. The timeline of portraits shows five inspiring examples that each in their own way could not conform to the prescribed expectations.
Hatshepsut that in a male dominated world did the unthinkable and crowned herself as pharaoh. Pope Joan who by disguising herself as a man could escape the female straitjacket of the Middle Ages and be acknowledged in her talents.
Or Henry III of France and Charlotte von Mahlsdorf that each in their own time chose to step outside of the expected gender roles to truly be themselves. They at their time, and even now, break through the social imposed norm.
All these figures from the past did not fit the role that was created for them. They could not conform themselves to these restrictions an broke free from these norms. It has always been there.
The norm as regards to gender is much to limited and not realistic. But where are we standing now as to gender in the 21st Century? In many places in the world women still have to fight for a voice, feminine men and homosexuals are being attacked with violence or even punished with death and transgender people still are being seen as a curiosity.
Which stories of our Century will we add to this timeline in 10 years? Segawa Kikunojo III - right: Issey Miyake's SS14 collection designed by Yoshiyuki Miyamae is a futuristic take on the modern woman.
From sportswear influenced wedges over comfortable yet fashionable clothing made of hybrid textiles that boldly combine different materials and ever-evolving technologies. With his special interest being illuminating light the show featured 3 different themes: Starlight, Moonlight and Sunlight.
Starting off with his trademark silhouettes in white he mixes metallic textiles representing the sky at night. White, clean and like a dream. Followed by the Moonlight, seen through the grid knit series the silhouettes become darker blending into grays and beiges, demonstrating the glistering white moonlight.
Open weave jackets and coats with a soft and distinctive silhouette, made by spiral cutting, uses a hybrid soft technique of innovative yarns on old style knitting machines. The last but not least Sunlight collection pops with red and different blue gradations, based on the blue skies and deep red sunsets on the horizon.
The 3D thick mesh series created a light and shade with the movement when worn on the body. For the grand finale, all the different elements of the sky blended and created a night sky and a dream. During the show live music was played by Ei Wada, who is part of the experimental performance project Braun Tube Jazz Band.
The music is created using cathode-ray tube television screens as musical instruments. This hand-crafted dimension is for them a quality pledge. Art by Ai Weiwei. Magda di Siena is an architect, an interior stylist and an art consultant.
Her work is focused on projecting and setting exhibitions, fair stands, paper advertisements. This work has been chosen as an emblem of the prestigious event by the curator Massimiliano Gioni, due to its conceptual analogy with the present state of culture.
Collect, store, catalog, connect, all these transactions are directly linked to knowledge, which shifts its axis on, in a continuous tension towards the infinite. So, not only artists, but scholars, philosophers, scientists, polyhedral figures or simple obsessed with the idea of accumulation, who have tried to give sense of certain phenomena or to express, in a visionary way, the unexplained.
The sense of incompleteness of knowledge, imperfect and superficial, as it appears today in its form accessible to all through the web, is a source of additional important considerations. Totem and ephemeral, symbols and contradictions, academic painting and tribal painting: Here art grows on trees Artist: Egyptian Pavilion - Artist: Mohamed Banawy, Khaled Zaki Curator: Marisa Merz, Testa, , Argilla cruda, cera, stagno, piombo, metallo, base in ferro.
Peter Fishli and David Weiss. Central Pavilion - Cathy Wilkes, Untitled, materiali vari. Venice Pavilion - Marya Kazoun, Of selves, pixies and goons. Venice Pavilion - Marialuisa Tadei, Il castello di sole.
Our digital lives bring us to the urge of rediscovering real objects and things we can touch. The touch of paper, the smell ok ink are some of our new drugs. Fanzines are there to express this need and the desire of an alternative voice.
We choose to share with you one of our 'coup de coeur' made in Paris by talented young people! Passion is a fanzine, created for all works longing in cupboards, hard drives and brain tubes. Passion publish the unpublished: It's publish at night, with little regards towards the biological clock, sleeves are rolled up in empty offices, abandoned agencies and available apartments.
Via Passion, we strive to publish novel works, be they produced by artists we admire, or those we found in our mailboxes on Monday mornings. And works from our friends, of course - for they make us who we are. We were associated with palm trees and sunsets on heavenly Caribbean seas: Burning sensation in throat!!!
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