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The operating system may require a service pack update. I'm completely fed up with microsoft "windblows" and HP laptops and will probably make a switch to a macbook air soon. If you have a legion of windows open and want to concentrate on one, clicking the top of the pane you want to keep and shaking the mouse will make the other windows instantly disappear from the screen. Build a PC - Scandisk 1.
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Can you create basements in sims 3. A house with a basement, in The Sims 2. Basements are stories of a building built partially or completely underground, or below the ground floor of a building.
Basements can be built underneath some buildings in The Sims 2 by using the foundation tool, or by using the dedicated basement tool in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Basements in The Sims 2 and unpatched versions of The Sims 3 can be created using foundations by placing an area of foundation that is hollow in the center, then lowering the terrain inside the hollowed-out foundation so that the area in the basement is the equal height of a typical floor.
This makes the basement a fully usable space accessible by Sims, so long as the Sims have a means to reach the basement. This tool was used to construct the tombs included in The Sims 3: The basement tool can be used under foundations, but two sets of stairs will be required to reach the basement area, as a foundation cannot connect directly to the basement floor.
Basements in The Sims 3 can be as deep as four stories, or two stories deep in The Sims 4. Basements are not possible at all in The Sims, as that game lacks both foundations and a dedicated basement tool.
The basement tool was not included in The Sims 3 for console, but a basement can still be constructed using foundations in the same manner as in The Sims 2. Building a basement using foundations, for constructing basements using the foundation tool in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3.
Get The Sims 3 v1. The Sims 3 v1. Fix for save file incompatibilities that result in the Error Code 16 error message while saving. Basement Tool allows you to build basements up to 4 levels deep under your lot. The tool builds under the current level.
If you re underground already, you can hold the Shift key with the tool to build on the current level. Hold the Control key with the tool to delete basements. New Pagoda style roofs. Decorations may now be placed on roofs.
Stairs functionality is now improved: Foundation walls can be adjusted with modular stairs attached. Stairs can be built over gaps. Placing stairs around objects that block their placement now give appropriate error messages.
Stairs can be above and below each other. Stairs, fences, and gates can now be customized with textures, as well as being saved and shared with others. Sell All option for a Family s inventory. Ghosts will now route through walls.
Players now have ability to change the song track on stereos. Favorite choices in Create-A-Sim area can now be bookmarked for future use. Following keyboard combinations will now adjust camera rotating and tilt: Child giving bottle to toddlerChild feeding toddler in high chairChild reading to toddlersChild stealing candy from toddlerChild and toddler huggingNew shy kissChild to toddler peek-a-booChildren fightingNew irritateDeclare nemesisGameplay Changes: New Lessons have been added to assist new players with some of the more complex base-game concepts.
Sims will now dream while sleeping by displaying thought balloons. When a baby is about to be born, the hospital now has a map tag on it with the appropriate interactions. Once a Sim owns a Diner or Bistro, food and drink at those restaurants will be free.
When a Sim picks up an Unknown Uncommon Seed, there is now a tool tip to notify Player what to do with it. Fixed a rare case where the Wugglesworth Schnuggles Bear would not appear in the family inventory upon moving a household if it occurs during Talk through interaction.
Sims will now not run indoors. When viewing inside neighbors windows, their furnishings will be visible. Having a relationship with a specific Service NPC increases the chance they will arrive to handle their particular service job.
Sims living together will now automatically know each other from the start. Fruit trees originally planted in community lots may now be transplanted anywhere else. Autonomous interactions based on Sim s jealousy have been balanced.
Sim now cannot move mailboxes when cutting gems or mounting fish. When a Sim brings a new friend home from school, they are immediately Acquaintances and Introduction social interactions are removed.
Game speed will automatically increase when a Sim is in jail. Undoing an outfit deletion from the dresser restores the proper outfit. Non-Kleptomaniac Sims will not take and put away portable fire pits that belong to community lots.
Cars, bikes and scooters can now only be placed on a Sim s home lot. Fixed issue where NPC Ghosts would leave a lot late at night via running off lot, taxi, or car, instead of returning to gravestone in morning.
Fixed issue where Sims could not fish in ponds on their lots if the lot was surrounded by water. Fix for a rare case in which objects could disappear from a lot while a fire is burning and a Sim expires. Selling ingredients by recipe will have same price as individual ingredients.
Ambrosia ingredients can no longer be copied to another Sim s inventory while the Sim is preparing Ambrosia. Sims will now prepare ingredient-named recipes randomly based on the ingredients available in the refrigerator.
Fixed some cases where it was possible for Sims to pickup objects through walls. Birthday Cake will now continue working even when Aging option is turned off. Only one Grim Reaper will appear on a lot where more than one death has occurred.
Fix for occasional bad animation playing when placing a toddler into a crib. Improvements were made to car preference. Fix for possible missing animation when playing with Wugglesworth Schnuggles Bear toy.
Fix for rare animation problem during clean up. Sims can no longer be placed in the family inventory with the MoveObjects cheat. City Hall clock will display correct time after moving building to a different lot. Deed will not disappear from Sim s inventory after performing an Ask to Move In interaction.
Moodlets and TraitsHopeless Romantic Sims will not autonomously flirt when they are heartbroken. Sims with Frugal trait now receives Got a Good Deal buff when using a coupon at the day spa.
Fix for a rare case where a teen Sim could have the Out after Curfew moodlet permanently after aging up. Fixed issue where a lot with the Beautiful Vista Moodlet would not persist across any houses built on that same lot.
Fixed issue where Sims could not gain No Sense of Humor trait when manually increasing Sim s age with aging disabled. Sims descended from Firefighters aka Fireproof Sim will react properly to fires on lot. Sims with Mooch trait will not have Mooch Food interaction on their own refrigerators.
Small fixes to Writing Skill Journal statistic tracking. Changing workout intensity while in progress now updates Skill level bar as appropriate. When moving retired Sims to multiple lots, they will only receive their retirement pension one time.
Money Tree s harvested quality now appears in the Gardening Skill Journal. At Level 10 of the music career the performance bar no longer appears. Learned songs from the Guitar Skill are now properly exported and saved on a Sim.
Sims on maternity leave cannot be put On Call by their careers. Sims without the Cooking Skill may now continue preparing recipes if they stopped before a recipe is completed. Throw party at option is no longer available if no rentable spaces exist in the neighborhood.
Sims can no longer perform mean socials to children. Sims can now fish from floor tiles not placed on land; for example, a dock made from foundation pieces. Sim interactions are now available between two Sims sitting in two different rooms.
When two Sims are gardening and approach the same plant, the second Sim will move to another plant. When the Repoman comes into a Sim s bedroom while they are sleeping, the Sim will now wake up and have a Freakout reaction.
Change Appearance interaction is now available when Sims are wearing their career outfits. When cleaning dishes, Sims are more likely to use dishwasher if one is present. Child and Teen Sims will not autonomously sit down in the street to do homework.
When a Sim starts to dance to a stereo that is already on, the station will not change. All socials now available on other Sims as they are leaving buildings. Cure and Zap interactions no longer available for Toddlers or Children when Moodlet Manager is in their inventory.
Canceling social interactions with current Sim no longer cancels queued-up socials with other Sims. Expectant mothers can now ask doctors to determine baby gender. When Sim uses Speak Madness interaction with another Sim, reaction will be negative unless the designated Sim is Insane or has a high relationship with the Sim who initiated the interaction.
All appropriate socials now appear when sitting to play chess or use computer. Lights now turn off in room if two Sims are sleeping and one leaves. When queuing up actions for a couple after Woo-hooing and falling asleep, Sims will complete actions after waking up as normal, not immediately.
NPC Sims will properly respond to Invite to Join Conversation interactions even if they are not in the designated lot. Queuing up actions after Player directs Sim to chat on the phone will not cancel phone call. Sims will not autonomously choose socials that are not currently possible or available.
Coo over Children interactions will not be available to children to use. Name interaction will remain on painted canvases after moving lots. Fixed instance where Contemplate Surroundings interaction would not remain in the action queue for Sims with the Genius trait until it is completed.
Check Fireplace interaction will work even if a fireplace is not lit. Urns will appear properly in a Sim s inventory after the Restore Ghost interaction. Can now feed all fish in a lot when there are multiple fish present.
Mail Carriers will properly leave a Hang Out if their needs require it. If a Babysitter arrives via a Call Babysitter dialog box action, the babysitter will not just disappear when a Sim returns. Interactions are still available on a completed painting after the painting Sim dies.
Sims can continue to finish an unfinished painting if they are ever interrupted. When there is a fire on the player s lot, Call Fire Department will appear as the only option on the cell phone s pie menu. Sim will properly complete the interaction to Watch Sim Change Shape on the body sculptor.
Jog Here Interaction will not appear when selecting a pool. Kick it up a Notch option no longer available on Perfect Quality dishes. Both parents receive credit now for Teach Wishes when only one parent teaches the child.
Pregnancy related Wishes are now cleared if not fulfilled during pregnancy. Reward for Forensic Analysis interaction now rewards simoleons after interaction completes. Sim will not receive Get Ingredients for Ratatouille after already having the required ingredients in their inventory.
Player no longer receives Become More Muscular Wish when their muscularity level is at maximum. The Donating xxx to undermine charity Wish is properly removed when a Sim s trait changes from Evil to Good.
Earning exactly 25 simoleons will fulfill Earn 25 Simoleons in Tips Wish. Race and A H. Opportunity to sell a painting twice in order to earn twice the money has been eliminated. Sims that have learned all recipes will not receive the Buy a New Recipe Wish.
Earn xxx Simoleons Wish can be fulfilled by earning simoleons through available Opportunities. Conduct Research Opportunity may be fulfilled on any personal computers in Sim s home, even if purchased after Opportunity is received.
Chess Tournament Opportunity description now includes the ending time. Audio Study Opportunity description now states it can be satisfied by playing or listening to a guitar. Displays, Roof DecorationsVarious fixes have been made to object thumbnails.
Object catalog now displays while cloning any object in the community lot. When returning to Live Mode, lights will return to state appropriate for time of day. Footprint for three tile windows now appears properly when placed at an angle.
Counters will no longer be connected through walls. Appropriate feedback messages now appear for objects that cannot be placed on community lots. Fences can now be placed at pool boundaries. Placing pillars near steep walls will no longer turn those walls to water.
Deleting floor tiles under foundations function correctly on lots with pools or ever contained a pool. Objects will no longer delete if pressing mouse buttons while moving objects on lot. Outdoor lights may be placed on fence posts.
Up and Down Floor buttons will now appear disabled when on the top or bottom floor respectively. Male Sims can now wear up to three earrings on one ear. Color swatches now highlight when selected.
Deleted Sim portraits will not appear again when Player creates new Sim in a previously deleted Sims slot. Delete and Share buttons will not highlight if there is no custom content available. The correct selections will highlight after undoing a choice.
Hair tab s Change Color panel will properly disappear after exiting Change Appearance screen. Players can no longer access Edit Town mode while in Create-a-Style mode. Can now change an entire wall s covering with a single mouse click.
Inventory tab size may now be manually expanded for easier browsing. Tooltips have been adjusted to not be cut off by the screen edge. When shopping for books or groceries, the item quantity is no longer grayed out when selecting the item from the sell tab.
Stackable items now appear as a single item with a quantity in the family inventory when moving. When roasting items at the fire pit, the items in the selection UI will now stack based on type and quality. Relationship information panel no longer lists retired Sims as Unemployed.
Build Mode Level Tool feedback has been improved. Fixes for various buttons highlight states. Autograph Session description now lists how long until another autograph session is available after completing a session.
Rocks and Gems interaction on the Collection Helper Lifetime Reward will display correct map tags when rotating lots. Grim Reaper relationship will only appear once in Relationship Panel if there is more than one death occurring on a lot.
A warning will appear during uninstall explaining that the custom music folder will be deleted. Various text and grammar fixes. Items moved manually to the Downloads folder will now show up in the game launcher s Downloads screen.
Updated lot loading to more gracefully handle loading when visiting town NPCs. Routing of Sims around groups, in homes and through community lots has improved. Service NPCs now have the appropriate number of traits for their age.
Object states are now retained when importing and exporting between towns. Camera movement and speed control has been improved. Household descriptions will update properly when a Sim moves into another house. Various fixes for some rare route failure situations.
There is now a distance check for playing the video game system. Shaders used on torch flames are improved. Mirrors will now always reflect wall objects, even with Walls Down or Cutaway. Lighting of outdoors at dusk has been improved for lower-end video cards.
Some hairstyles and accessories have been modified to eliminate white lines or blank areas from appearing. Roofs have been adjusted as to not cut through walls. Sound volume on objects now adjusts depending on whether the Walls toggle is set to Up, Down, or Cutaway.
Sound volume will gradually change depending on the camera s distance from an object. Footstep sounds will now change depending on the ground type the Sim is walking on i. Increased minimum sound radius around vehicles to prevent the sound from panning rapidly left and right.
Water sprinkler SFX will cease when moving sprinklers on a lot. Improvements made to the audio system to address the possible situation in which audio dropped out over long-term play. After exiting the game, desktop icons appear in same location as at game start.
The Sims 3 features a brand new engine that allows you to immerse your unique Sims in an open living neighborhood where they can roam and explore all new surroundings including the beach, mountains and town center.
The neighborhood is alive and constantly evolving so what happens to a Sim on one side of the neighborhood could impact your Sims on the other side of town. If your Sims are in the right place at the right time, who knows what might happen.
And now for the first time, your Sims have distinctive personalities thanks to a range of all-new personality traits. You have the option to select from dozens of personality traits such as brave, artistic, kleptomaniac, clumsy, paranoid and romantic.
Combine up to five traits to create an endless number of truly diverse individuals. The all-new Create-a-Sim allows you to completely customize your Sims appearances making every Sim unique. The feature is easy-to-use and more powerful than ever, letting you fine-tune every aspect of your Sims face, customize their hair color, select the exact shade of their skin tone and determine much more to make lifelike Sims.
It s never been easier to make Sims that are thin, full-figured or muscular and everything in between. In true The Sims fashion, you can customize everything. The Sims 3 allows for infinite possibilities to design the interior and exterior of your Sims surroundings.
Additionally, you can enjoy the challenge of short-term and long-term goals and then reap the rewards. Based on personality traits, skills and career choices, your Sims have short and long term Wishes that provide constant fun challenges, things to do and achieve.
You have the ultimate freedom to choose whether to fulfill their destiny, giving them lifetime happiness and rewards or not. Will your Sim skyrocket from latrine cleaner to an astronaut, go from being a rabid fan to a sports legend or will you choose an alternate destiny.
In The Sims 3 , life is what you make it. In addition to the town included in the game, a second town, Riverview will be available for download from The Sims 3 official website, which will also allow players to create and share their own movies, manage their online content and purchase additional in-game content.
Create any Sims you can imagine. Design your ultimate Sim by choosing up to five traits and numerous body characteristics in the Create-a-Sim feature. Customize your Sims body type, facial features, hair styles, and more.
Create an evil, handsome, ripped kleptomaniac that wreaks havoc on those around. Control your Sims destinies. From a rock star or world leader to an expert thief, you choose whether or not to pursue the Lifetime Wish of your Sim.
Choose whether to fulfill their destiny, giving them a lifetime of happiness and rewards or not and be devious. You are the designer. From clothing to houses, customize patterns, colors, or create any house you can imagine.
Customize any aspect of your Sims style even down to the style and color of their shoes. Be the Director of your Sims movies. Never before have you been able to make your own movie with a cast, a set, soundtrack, a story and editing without leaving the game.
Make a movie with the Create-a-Movie tool and share it with the world. Connect, Share and Shop. Show off your creations from Sims to houses. Download exclusive content and hear the latest news of The Sims 3 world first. The Sims 3 Collector s Edition, available at select retailers for The Sims 3 is curently available for purchase at retail and online through digital distribution for More articles about The Sims 3.
With the introduction of this expansion pack comes, for the first time in the whole history of the whole Sims franchise, a true basement tool. The Sims 4 Basements Guide. The Sims 4; The basement tool allows. World Adventures Building Basements.
Basement Tool allows you to build basements up to 4 levels deep. Get Ready for Basements in The Sims 4. Using the new basement tool, you re able to draw a basement from the floor They re available in a patch rolling. Ethernet Drivers, Network Drivers, Net.
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Driver Auto Navigator; Automatic detection and download sound driver, printer, scanner driver, modem driver, motherboard drivers, a Bluetooth controller, Ethernet. I have a SanDisk Cruser mini 1.
Now i don t know what happend to it.. I had a similar problem with a cruzer mini, try right clicking on my computer select manage then disk management your cruzer should be listed there. I had to re partition and then reformat as FAT drive.
The error I was getting was that the drive came up and was assigned a letter, but when I clicked to open it windows said to insert a disk in the drive. When I went to disk management the only option was to partition the drive, the partition wizard came up and did its thing.
I have just stuck my mini back in the USB and gone to disk management, when it comes up the only option I have by right clicking is to format, it sounds as tho your mini has not lost its partition, try formatting in disk management.
I m sorry I cant suggest any thing else to try, except to contact sandisk customer support, best of luck. Don t bother trying Sandisk s website - it s got one of the most pathetic tech support pages ever. I accidently wiped out the partition on my Cruzer Micro, and windows could not access or format it, and there is literally nothing on Sandisk s web site to help.
But I found a nifty little program by HP that will not only reformat a flash drive, it can even make it bootable if your mobo supports booting from a removable USB drive. It s small K and very easy to use.
I can t seem to find it on HP s website, hjowever, but if you Google this file name:. It worked beautifully for me. Please use the search feature, we probably have over posts about flash drives no longer working, and I bet over half of them are involving the Sandisk Cruzer Mini.
There seems to be no 1 solution to fixing this, but there are a lot of posts about people fixing it, use the search feature and scan through the results. You answer lies there I m sure. I had a flash drive: Scandisk Mini Cruzer MB.
My problem is I erased the driver, just the driver but not the volume itself. To be more specific there are the two drivers appear when you go the Utilities then Disk Utility. In the diskc utility the first driver will appear--other than the two driver, which is the Hard Drive and the HD Macintosh.
Below that two is Flash Drive and the driver, it s colored white that when you put your Flash Drive onto your computer it will appear on the desktop and Finder as well. So, here s my problem. I erased the volume, the drive that appears on the desktop and when I put my flash Drive in other computer other than Mac, PC Windows at school.
And when I try to open it a window appears that says:. The PC couldn t format the Flash Drive. Any suggestions other than tell me to ask the Scandisk website itself. Because the webiste sucks.
I tried when I try to regrister but I don t know. I couldn t get in to make an account or something. The Sandisk problem when you plug in your pen drive in XP:. Before you do anything, dont even try to format, or repartioning your pen drive.
First step is to recover the data in there. Yes, you data would still there even though it seems an invalid media error. It's an interesting experiment, but the author's conclusion cannot possibly follow from the results of it.
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While only a couple many years old, it could radically change financial things to do and the social surroundings. Now, it affects this kind of large sectors as communications, finance and retail trade and may possibly develop to regions these types of as schooling and overall health companies.
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A single essential way in which data technology is impacting work is by lowering the worth of length. In numerous industries, the geographic distribution of work is transforming substantially. For instance, some program companies have uncovered that they can conquer the tight local market place for application engineers by sending tasks to India or other nations where the wages are a great deal lower.
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I conduct soft skills training and outbound training for Corporates and individuals. To enhance creativity we motivate the participants to approach the problems from variety of vantage points. Even repeatedly checking the boundary conditions we are able to come up with variety of ways of solving the problem.
This is akin to checking the walls of the box. Looking inside the box for additional information, additional resources also helps. Looking at the box from bird's eye view triggers some different creative solutions.
Let us not get tied down to the mechanics but free ourselves to find the solution. I will give an example. You are playing football with family and friends at a distant ground and someone gets bruised badly.
No first aid kit is available. Your priority is to get the person to a hospital at a distance of 2 hours. The wound is bleeding and needs to be kept clean and bacteria free till the person reaches the hospital.
What will you do? Think of a solution. It is quite close to you. With all due respect, Professor Boyd, your argument is not at all compelling. It seems that you are taking the "thinking outside the box" TOTB metaphor much more literally than it is intended or, at least, as I and may others infer.
To refer to TOTB as "dangerous" is naive, at best. I, personally, have seen the positive, tranformative effects of not only the 9-dots exercise, but also the occasional use of the term to remind individuals after-the-fact about the value of thinking differently.
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19.10.2017 - Virtuosa Phoenix Edition v5. In the diskc utility the first driver will appear--other than the two driver, which is the Hard Drive and the HD Macintosh. Ccleaner-official-website-of-the-british-monarchy Participation in the exchange system of tracker-server programmers BitTorrent gave an opportunity to introduce an algorithm that prevents the appearance of incomplete files. BE - Content sharing resource for everyone.
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28.04.2017 - Actually lots of rumors and high priced system has led the backfall in popularity of Macs. Virtual TurnTables v 1. Ccleaner-free-for-windows-7-64-bit When you click yes, it fails to remove all the garbage left over by RealPlayerand then after it proceeds to the installation of Real Alternativeit fails to install the core components. That's pretty much what I argued in my comment:
A warning will appear during uninstall explaining that the custom music folder will be deleted. Various text and grammar fixes. Items moved manually to the Downloads folder will now show up in the game launcher s Downloads screen.
Updated lot loading to more gracefully handle loading when visiting town NPCs. Routing of Sims around groups, in homes and through community lots has improved. Service NPCs now have the appropriate number of traits for their age.
Object states are now retained when importing and exporting between towns. Camera movement and speed control has been improved. Household descriptions will update properly when a Sim moves into another house. Various fixes for some rare route failure situations.
There is now a distance check for playing the video game system. Shaders used on torch flames are improved. Mirrors will now always reflect wall objects, even with Walls Down or Cutaway. Lighting of outdoors at dusk has been improved for lower-end video cards.
Some hairstyles and accessories have been modified to eliminate white lines or blank areas from appearing. Roofs have been adjusted as to not cut through walls. Sound volume on objects now adjusts depending on whether the Walls toggle is set to Up, Down, or Cutaway.
Sound volume will gradually change depending on the camera s distance from an object. Footstep sounds will now change depending on the ground type the Sim is walking on i. Increased minimum sound radius around vehicles to prevent the sound from panning rapidly left and right.
Water sprinkler SFX will cease when moving sprinklers on a lot. Improvements made to the audio system to address the possible situation in which audio dropped out over long-term play. After exiting the game, desktop icons appear in same location as at game start.
The Sims 3 features a brand new engine that allows you to immerse your unique Sims in an open living neighborhood where they can roam and explore all new surroundings including the beach, mountains and town center.
The neighborhood is alive and constantly evolving so what happens to a Sim on one side of the neighborhood could impact your Sims on the other side of town. If your Sims are in the right place at the right time, who knows what might happen.
And now for the first time, your Sims have distinctive personalities thanks to a range of all-new personality traits. You have the option to select from dozens of personality traits such as brave, artistic, kleptomaniac, clumsy, paranoid and romantic.
Combine up to five traits to create an endless number of truly diverse individuals. The all-new Create-a-Sim allows you to completely customize your Sims appearances making every Sim unique. The feature is easy-to-use and more powerful than ever, letting you fine-tune every aspect of your Sims face, customize their hair color, select the exact shade of their skin tone and determine much more to make lifelike Sims.
It s never been easier to make Sims that are thin, full-figured or muscular and everything in between. In true The Sims fashion, you can customize everything. The Sims 3 allows for infinite possibilities to design the interior and exterior of your Sims surroundings.
Additionally, you can enjoy the challenge of short-term and long-term goals and then reap the rewards. Based on personality traits, skills and career choices, your Sims have short and long term Wishes that provide constant fun challenges, things to do and achieve.
You have the ultimate freedom to choose whether to fulfill their destiny, giving them lifetime happiness and rewards or not. Will your Sim skyrocket from latrine cleaner to an astronaut, go from being a rabid fan to a sports legend or will you choose an alternate destiny.
In The Sims 3 , life is what you make it. In addition to the town included in the game, a second town, Riverview will be available for download from The Sims 3 official website, which will also allow players to create and share their own movies, manage their online content and purchase additional in-game content.
Create any Sims you can imagine. Design your ultimate Sim by choosing up to five traits and numerous body characteristics in the Create-a-Sim feature. Customize your Sims body type, facial features, hair styles, and more. Create an evil, handsome, ripped kleptomaniac that wreaks havoc on those around.
Control your Sims destinies. From a rock star or world leader to an expert thief, you choose whether or not to pursue the Lifetime Wish of your Sim. Choose whether to fulfill their destiny, giving them a lifetime of happiness and rewards or not and be devious.
You are the designer. From clothing to houses, customize patterns, colors, or create any house you can imagine. Customize any aspect of your Sims style even down to the style and color of their shoes.
Be the Director of your Sims movies. Never before have you been able to make your own movie with a cast, a set, soundtrack, a story and editing without leaving the game. Make a movie with the Create-a-Movie tool and share it with the world.
Connect, Share and Shop. Show off your creations from Sims to houses. Download exclusive content and hear the latest news of The Sims 3 world first. The Sims 3 Collector s Edition, available at select retailers for The Sims 3 is curently available for purchase at retail and online through digital distribution for More articles about The Sims 3.
With the introduction of this expansion pack comes, for the first time in the whole history of the whole Sims franchise, a true basement tool. The Sims 4 Basements Guide. The Sims 4; The basement tool allows. World Adventures Building Basements.
Basement Tool allows you to build basements up to 4 levels deep. Get Ready for Basements in The Sims 4. Using the new basement tool, you re able to draw a basement from the floor They re available in a patch rolling.
Ethernet Drivers, Network Drivers, Net. I have a buddy who just installed 9. World s most popular driver. Windows 10, Windows 8. Dataone Usb Modem Driver More by: This driver, with the relevant DisplayLink - powered hardware, will allow any Intel - based Size: Popular bulk messages deliver program is simple to operate without taking technical training.
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Bsnl Broadband Modem Driver. Available in this download is the current modem driver for 3Com modems Dataone Quick Usage Finder is a small and useful. Reported Installation Success Rate: Reported Reason for Installation failure: Bsnl broadband settingdownload modem bsnl, usb driver for broad band modem and then click on your modem type above, download driver in zip.
Driver Auto Navigator; Automatic detection and download sound driver, printer, scanner driver, modem driver, motherboard drivers, a Bluetooth controller, Ethernet. I have a SanDisk Cruser mini 1. Now i don t know what happend to it..
I had a similar problem with a cruzer mini, try right clicking on my computer select manage then disk management your cruzer should be listed there. I had to re partition and then reformat as FAT drive. The error I was getting was that the drive came up and was assigned a letter, but when I clicked to open it windows said to insert a disk in the drive.
When I went to disk management the only option was to partition the drive, the partition wizard came up and did its thing. I have just stuck my mini back in the USB and gone to disk management, when it comes up the only option I have by right clicking is to format, it sounds as tho your mini has not lost its partition, try formatting in disk management.
I m sorry I cant suggest any thing else to try, except to contact sandisk customer support, best of luck. Don t bother trying Sandisk s website - it s got one of the most pathetic tech support pages ever. I accidently wiped out the partition on my Cruzer Micro, and windows could not access or format it, and there is literally nothing on Sandisk s web site to help.
But I found a nifty little program by HP that will not only reformat a flash drive, it can even make it bootable if your mobo supports booting from a removable USB drive. It s small K and very easy to use. I can t seem to find it on HP s website, hjowever, but if you Google this file name:.
It worked beautifully for me. Please use the search feature, we probably have over posts about flash drives no longer working, and I bet over half of them are involving the Sandisk Cruzer Mini. There seems to be no 1 solution to fixing this, but there are a lot of posts about people fixing it, use the search feature and scan through the results.
You answer lies there I m sure. I had a flash drive: Scandisk Mini Cruzer MB. My problem is I erased the driver, just the driver but not the volume itself. To be more specific there are the two drivers appear when you go the Utilities then Disk Utility.
In the diskc utility the first driver will appear--other than the two driver, which is the Hard Drive and the HD Macintosh. Below that two is Flash Drive and the driver, it s colored white that when you put your Flash Drive onto your computer it will appear on the desktop and Finder as well.
So, here s my problem. I erased the volume, the drive that appears on the desktop and when I put my flash Drive in other computer other than Mac, PC Windows at school. And when I try to open it a window appears that says:.
The PC couldn t format the Flash Drive. Any suggestions other than tell me to ask the Scandisk website itself. Because the webiste sucks. I tried when I try to regrister but I don t know. I couldn t get in to make an account or something.
The Sandisk problem when you plug in your pen drive in XP:. Before you do anything, dont even try to format, or repartioning your pen drive. First step is to recover the data in there.
Yes, you data would still there even though it seems an invalid media error. So to recover your data, before you do anything else, there are good programs out there but dont even try to use the one that sandisk webpage provide in their support sectionit is worthless as all the technical support there.
However this program wont fix your partition table problems. Now, after recover your data, it wont be wise to use any software out there to repartition your pen drive. It would wisely to repair your partition table and then reformat your pen drive.
For this part, I would like to know if anyone has any good tools for repairing partions tables and logical drive assigment. Build a PC - Scandisk 1. I am curious to know if I can download the driver to use the cruzer mini with windows 98se operating system.
The packaging says the cruzer mini is compatible with win 98se but I am not sure. Has anyone run into problems trying to install the driver. I have a SanDisk Cruiser that just died all of a sudden.
I took the case apart and checked for continuity between each of the 4 copper connectors in the USB portion of the drive, and the back of the soldered joints where it solders to the motherboard. I plugged the drive into my laptop, and used a meter to check for power, and it appears to be getting the 5 volts that the manufacturer says it should.
However, the light on the stick never comes on, the PC never even attempts to recogonize the device. Anyone had any luck diagnosing the circuitry of the board, and or know how to recover the data on the memory Aside from sending it out to a company for I have very important pictures on it and I am nervous about it.
Is there anyone that can help me. It would be greatly appreciated. The first time took quite a while. But, when I do my weekly backups, it takes just as long. That s why I thought it was re-copying the entire folder.
I have a Sandisk cruzer 8gb SDCZRB and all of a suden its working The light does not turn on, nor is my laptop and desktop compture is registering the flash drive, plus the item gets really hot when it s in the USB for a least minutes and that has never happened before.
Each user receives a different part, which in turn, after saving it on a computer begins to be distributed. If communication is interrupted by one of the distributers, the program chooses another one and the process continues.
In addition, the user with the greatest speed distribution is always selected as a dealer. There is nothing complicated about it, that s just sounds a little confusing. After the first experience with the program, you will understand everything.
In addition, BitTorrent - Client undertakes almost all the important functions for downloading and distributing torrents. How does a BitTorrent - Client work. To download a torrent, you need to find a special server - torrent tracker.
We can recommend you as one of the easiest and understandable sites of such kind. On this server, you select the file and start quick download. Of course, physically, there are no files on the server itself. All of them are located on the computers of other users and server shows just a list of files.
The very same server coordinates the distribution of the files from one users to another. If it happens so that no user is distributing user is online, then downloading torrents is impossible, because in fact there is nowhere to take it.
If this happens, try to free download torrent in the evening or at night, usually at this time there are more members that are active. That s the way the answer to another question: And the answer is - of course, from a site or server tracker, like slowtorrent.
It is also worth remembering that the torrent client runs in the background and consumes very few resources of your computer. So you can safely work or study, while download torrent online. And you can put files to download any number as long as there is enough of hard disk memory.
Now, we will have practical training on how to download torrent. To begin with, get in the vast network of Internet software torrent client. Next, select yourself any torrent tracker, register and select the file that you would like to download.
It is easy to use and not greedy for computer resources. Small footprint, quick to install, does not require any pre-setting, that is immediately ready for use. Now let s look where to download torrent files. Search torrent files on torrent trackers, special sites and servers, where users share files.
Some trackers might be only a list of files on the other, for an individual file can be assigned a separate page, with the most detailed description of it. It is preferable to use the latter, especially for beginners.
Some torrent trackers require registration, others do not require it. So, how to free downloads torrents. If the site has a registration, then you need first to register, if not, just write in the search box the name of the movie or desired program.
If you do not know exactly what you want to fins, simply go to the category of movies or video, or games. Next, select a subcategory - Documentary, foreign, series and so on. The whole system is very similar in almost all trackers.
So if you have used any other tracker and moved to a new one, you can understand a new one. After finding the desired movie, in its description may be present, such information:. Seeder is a user who distributes the entire downloaded file.
Generally, the more seeds, the better, because thanks to them, upload speed is significantly increased. But even if there is no distribution, no oxide, it does not mean that you can not download the file.
PIR user who simply participate in the distributing. Leech is a party distribution that a certain number of segments downloaded files and distributes them. The client program can find leech addresses, file segments as they have, and the speed with which they give and they take.
But this does not mean that if there is no distribution of oxides, the leeches will not be able to get the file. Having a different number of segments, they can share them with each other until they get the whole file.
Especially if a lot of leeches are available. Let us summarize the information. In general, BitTorrent or simply torrent is an Internet protocol that allows you to quickly download large files. In contrast to the usual download site, using the BitTorrent file takes piece by piece in a large number of users.
This allows you to download large files like music albums, movies and TV series much faster than would be obtained by means of other protocols torrent tracker. To understand how BitTorrent works, it is worth considering what happens when we download a file from a site in a conventional manner.
And there is something like this:. In the data transmission, speed is affected by the set of factors, including the type of protocol, and the server load. If the file is a heavy and at the same popular time, server load is high and the speed of downloading, respectively, is low.
When using torrents, the system is very different. The file is not downloaded from any server, and, as already mentioned, it is drawn in part from a plurality of users so we do not depend on the load on a single server and its availability.
However, it will not work without the server. You need a torrent client - a special program for downloading and assembling the elements of the file together. BitTorrent works based on the principle you give me, I have what you have: Here is how it works:.
At too low rating may apply different restrictions to download, for example, no more than one file at a time, or load may be temporarily forbidden for those who are trying to only receive, not handing out - for so-called leechers from the word leech.
Rating is a very commonly used tool to stimulate users to stay on hand, but there is a tracker, where the rating system is not applied torrent tracker. It is noteworthy that the more popular the file is, the greater the oxides and the faster the download is note, if you boot from a traditional server situation is the opposite.
As you have already understood, installing, configuring and using the torrent client is very simple and useful. To download through BitTorrent, you must first install the program - a torrent client. You may also need to adjust the firewall settings if you use it, so that it is allowed to take the torrent files.
But first things first:. If the download of the film in our example does not start, then either now no one gives out it, or your firewall software that blocks unauthorized access to computer ports blocks the uTorrent.
Go to the firewall settings and open ports from to for incoming traffic which uses them BitTorrent. You may also need to enable port forwarding IP-address of your computer to the port from to, to other computers on a swarm might see you.
Here, you may need professional help or more detailed acquaintance with the principles of the firewall settings bad advice - you can simply disable the firewall. Features of the BitTorrent network.
BitTorrent is different from similar P2P - protocol: This torrent - file can be distributed through any channels of communication such as lists of torrent - files can be laid out on special Web servers located in the user s network, sent via email, posted to blogs or news feeds RSS.
Itself torrent - file contains meta information for example, hash sum address tracker, and so on of the distributed data. The basic principle of the record, the distribution file is completely controlled tracker whose address is in the torrent - file, so that users download the file itself called Leecher begins to distribute as soon as downloading is suitable for this first part.
Cooperative user behavior is inherent in the very architecture of the protocol, and in principle can not be selfish. Architecture of BitTorrent provides for a file, put in a network, the only owner who is interested in its propagation.
The original owner of the file generates a torrent - file. The client, in turn, downloads a file for HTTP, FTP, or simply handing out any way with extension torrent, which contains information about the address of the owner, the name and size of the desired file and its hash.
That s all you need to track the progress of the process, control and response capabilities users to download an incomplete or empty file. The key to the success of any peer to peer network typically requires users not only upload files, but also to share them with others.
Meanwhile, for various reasons mostly related to payment channels, quite often users prefer as soon as possible to download the file and shut, despite the fact that the rules of etiquette written request to share with other users.
This reduces the amount of available sources, because of which suffer from stability and quality of the network. The BitTorrent provides a special method of dealing with selfish leeches, which involves the user rating, where the most generous given priority on foreign servers, and those who share unwilling boot Popular files go to the end of the queue.
Participation in the exchange system of tracker-server programmers BitTorrent gave an opportunity to introduce an algorithm that prevents the appearance of incomplete files. Since the tracker stores information about segments successfully loaded on each machine, the file download will start to force new customers with the most rare segment.
If BitTorrent client downloads large files, divided into parts, it does not mean that the process will begin with the segment number 01 and end segment. The customer always receives the segment, which occupies the last place on the prevalence of that, ideally after connections to the central the server will provide an opportunity to put in a peer entire file.
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VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use. For a thorough introduction to virtualization and. Oracle VM VirtualBox 4. Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.
Oracle today released a 5. See the Changelog for details. Oracle today released maintenance releases which improve stability and fixes regressions. See the respective changelogs for details. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License GPL version 2.
See About VirtualBox for an introduction. Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows NT 4.
VirtualBox is being actively developed with frequent releases and has an ever growing list of features, supported guest operating systems and platforms it runs on. VirtualBox is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: VirtualBox is a powerful tool that can be used create one or more virtual machines on a single computer.
This can be used for testing different operating systems or various applications, which can be installed on them. Virtual Box Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.
Some of the features of VirtualBox are:. This makes it easy to control it from several interfaces at once: VirtualBox also comes with a full Software Development Kit: Virtual machine descriptions in XML. The configuration settings of virtual machines are stored entirely in XML and are independent of the local machines.
Virtual machine definitions can therefore easily be ported to other computers. Guest Additions for Windows, Linux and Solaris. VirtualBox has special software that can be installed inside Windows, Linux and Solaris virtual machines to improve performance and make integration much more seamless.
Among the features provided by these Guest Additions are mouse pointer integration and arbitrary screen solutions e. Like many other virtualization solutions, for easy data exchange between hosts and guests, VirtualBox allows for declaring certain host directories as shared folders, which can then be accessed from within virtual machines.
When hardware installed in or attached to a computer doesn t work properly, it is often because of a driver problem. A driver is a small software program that allows a hardware device to communicate with a computer. If hardware isn t working properly, you might need a new driver whether you installed the device recently or have had it installed since you acquired your computer.
Every device needs a driver that allows it to communicate with your computer. Sometimes drivers need to be updated. All your drivers must be compatible with this version of Windows. In most cases, drivers come with Windows or can be found by going to Windows Update in Control Panel and checking for updates.
If Windows doesn t have the driver you need, you can usually find it on the disc that came with the hardware or device you want to use, or on the manufacturer s website. Check if updated drivers are available through Windows Update.
When you check Windows Update, click View available updates to determine if an updated driver is available for your device. For more information, see Install Windows updates. Make sure that the hardware device is compatible with your computer and with your version of Windows.
If the device is not compatible, you will need to find the correct driver. Check the information that came with your device. Many devices require special drivers to work properly. Be sure that you have installed any software discs that came with the device.
Restarting might be necessary if the driver requires it or if the driver did not install correctly. Windows should detect the device and install the drivers, and will notify you if the device drivers did not install properly.
I just installed new drivers for my hardware from Windows Update, and want to make sure I get future updates. It s important to set Windows to download and install updates automatically. But even if you have Windows Update set to automatically install important updates for your computer, it still might not be set to install all the updated drivers it finds for your hardware, since not all these are classified as important.
To get all driver updates, you have to turn on recommended updates, too. If you follow these steps, you might never have to check for driver updates yourself or struggle to get a device to work. Under Recommended updates, select the check box for Include recommended updates when downloading, installing, or notifying me about updates, and then click OK.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. To make sure you get the latest drivers for your hardware, set Windows to automatically download recommended updates.
Updated drivers might be available through Windows Update. When you check Windows Update, click View available updates to see if an updated driver is available for your device. If you can t find a new driver through Windows Update or the manufacturer s website, find the disc that came with the device and place it in the computer s CD drive.
With the disc in the CD drive, update the driver for the device. See Update a driver for hardware that isn t working properly. If you do not have a connection to the Internet, you might need to update your network adapter driver manually.
If you have the disc that came with the device, place it in the CD drive and follow the steps to manually update the driver. If you can t find the disc, try to connect to the Internet from another computer and download the device driver from the device manufacturer s website.
Once you have the device driver files, copy them to the computer with a problem. Follow these steps to manually update the driver. In Device Manager, locate the device under Network adapters, and then double-click the device name.
Click the Browse button and go to the location on your computer where you saved the new driver files. I get an error message about Internet protocol IP bindings. IP binding problems are typically caused by an out-of-date network adapter driver.
To fix this problem, update the network adapter driver by following these steps:. Right-click the network adapter name, and then click Update Driver Software. In order to manually update your driver, follow the.
Identify your AMD graphic hardware and operating system usi ng the drop-down menus below. Choose a driver from the list of available drivers. What s new in this version: Additionally, an error message appears stating that the Display driver stopped responding and has recovered and may reference one of the following driver files:.
There is no single cause for a TDR event to be triggered. There are several factors that can cause the TDR event to be triggered. If you do not feel comfortable performing any of the steps provided in these instructions, you should have your system checked by an expert.
If the issue occurs only when using a specific application, it may have known issues or corrupt files. Microsoft DirectX files may be outdated or corrupt. Reinstall Microsoft DirectX or install the latest version. The operating system may require a service pack update.
Several known issues in Windows Vista may be related to the issue. Performing a clean installation of the operating system will erase all data on the hard drive. Ensure all important data is backed up before performing this action.
Check whether there are any loose cables stopping the fan s from spinning or blocking the air flow within the system case. Air should flow in from the front of the case and out through the back of the case.
Thus the technologies can allow a finer division of labour between nations, which in flip has an effect on the relative need for different skills in just about every country. The technologies permits different sorts of work and employment to be decoupled from one another.
Corporations have bigger independence to locate their financial things to do, creating greater levels of competition among regions in infrastructure, labour, money, and other resource marketplaces. It also opens the door for regulatory arbitrage: Desktops and interaction systems also promote additional current market-like kinds of generation and distribution.
An infrastructure of computing and interaction technologies, furnishing hour obtain at reduced price to nearly any sort of rate and product info desired by prospective buyers, will lessen the informational boundaries to economical sector operation.
This infrastructure could possibly also supply the suggests for effecting actual-time transactions and make intermediaries these kinds of as profits clerks, stock brokers and journey brokers, whose functionality is to deliver an crucial facts backlink amongst purchasers and sellers, redundant.
Removing of intermediaries would minimize the charges in the production and distribution worth chain. The information and facts systems have facilitated the evolution of increased mail order retailing, in which items can be ordered quickly by using telephones or computer system networks and then dispatched by suppliers by built-in transportation corporations that rely thoroughly on computer systems and interaction systems to handle their functions.
Nonphysical merchandise, this sort of as computer software, can be delivered electronically, doing away with the whole transportation channel. Payments can be performed in new ways. The result is disintermediation all over the distribution channel, with expense reduction, decreased conclude-client charges, and higher gain margins.
I conduct soft skills training and outbound training for Corporates and individuals. To enhance creativity we motivate the participants to approach the problems from variety of vantage points.
Even repeatedly checking the boundary conditions we are able to come up with variety of ways of solving the problem. This is akin to checking the walls of the box. Looking inside the box for additional information, additional resources also helps.
Looking at the box from bird's eye view triggers some different creative solutions. Let us not get tied down to the mechanics but free ourselves to find the solution. I will give an example. You are playing football with family and friends at a distant ground and someone gets bruised badly.
No first aid kit is available. Your priority is to get the person to a hospital at a distance of 2 hours. The wound is bleeding and needs to be kept clean and bacteria free till the person reaches the hospital. What will you do?
Think of a solution. It is quite close to you. With all due respect, Professor Boyd, your argument is not at all compelling. It seems that you are taking the "thinking outside the box" TOTB metaphor much more literally than it is intended or, at least, as I and may others infer.
To refer to TOTB as "dangerous" is naive, at best. I, personally, have seen the positive, tranformative effects of not only the 9-dots exercise, but also the occasional use of the term to remind individuals after-the-fact about the value of thinking differently.
The experiment you refer to doesn't even come close to proving what you suggest that it does. To use the term "proving" in an argument like this is laughable. In real life, you absolutely WILL find boxes Here, the term is not literal; rather, it refers to a mindset, a perspective, a belief, or an assumption.
It is precisely how the human mind works. We all think in boxes all the time. The "sin," if you will, is not in thinking inside of a box A different -- and very healthy, positive, and productive -- way to think about TOTB is to understand that it merely represents an insight that can remind an individual to consciously become aware of limiting assumptions.
And, upon such awareness, to open ones mind and imagination to actively explore new possibilities beyond the obvious or initial answer. If you don't regard this as valid contribution to creativity, then I suggest you consider spending a bit more time outside of that "box" that you've presented here.
I couldn't have said it any better TOTB is a beautiful skill to have. We are born into multiple boxes that are created upon social agreements e. Saying that TOTB is a negative thing is a very conservative statement and someone who has such a belief is scared of change, scared of diversity and scared of anything that is abstract and out of order.
I think much of which is vaguely labeled "creative thinking" is actually the result of healthy skepticism. We should make a habit of challenging conventional wisdom and the way things have always been done.
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