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I highly doubt that the mods are so stupid as to just take names that people give here seriously, banning people because someone CLAIMED to be them on another site is just fucking dumb. Have to say lads, the more I think about this, the less I am able to see Mueller's Monday announcement as being anything other than a "bad news" story for Trump.

Your Answer

Like I said, in a few bitching threads before, I ended up whining about her weird issues with me. They're going to try and whittle away at his advisors and campaign people, while possibly building a case for impeachment. Preferably something that gives me the options of how many passes to do. LATEST VERSION OF CCLEANER FOR WINDOWS 7 Didn't he cut her hair yesterday or so? How was the party? Thanks for reply, you are right, the problem was some uv parts too close between them.

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Though in that case I'll take the blame on my lack of presence and confidence that bleeds in the writing, really. I dunno about all that, seems like it'd be begging for the fake news title to spring up again to be that blatant in falsehood.

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As much as I'd like to act on that, we've had some really weird moderation instances involving 8chan. It's available in the repositories of pretty much every major distribution. I don't get it, the first three or so people I roleplayed with were great and polite, what the fuck is happening? If you just run 'xrandr' and check the output, run this with your desired resolution and monitor name:

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I feel like if they really looked deep into it they could drudge up some old mafia connections Trump had. But only a few obscure writers have even broached this subject. Also that fat Cuban guy that joe Rogan loves so much, Joey Diaz, claims that there are definitely connections.

I wonder why no one cares about this. Maybe all the old mob guys are dead. But anyway trump knew John Gotti. Irradiated glow in the dark CRTnigger til I die. Hillary is wishful thinking, Comey might get nailed, he appears to have pissed in both sides cornflakes.

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I havent been following this stuff like a hawk because its mostly irrelevant in that its outcome is already pre-determined and not able to be impacted. I followed until Trump didnt put Hillary in prison, Ive pretty much disregarded laws since then because they only apply to goyim and expendable puppets.

Comey probably wont get touched, or anyone of importance. Lynch is still walking free etc, these people are untouchable by the jew controlled legal system. I will do what is necessary to protect my race, and laws are irrelevant.

By this point, you should have dedicated yourself and been prepared to give it all if needed. Our race is all that matters, which puppets no longer dance in the show is whats irrelevant.

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They arent going after Trump, that would most likely spark a war. I hope they do, that would be great. You want to make a difference? Organize some state based voting for the individual republican candidates who are most extreme right.

Thats what we should be doing, picking local candidates and turning twitter into a debate about them, and making it so that people vote along with Trump instead of needing every single Republican vote minus 1, like when Pence makes the final vote and Rand or Mccain or whoever vote against… Thats what we should be focusing on turning around and fixing.

It could be a lot worse, democrats could get the majority and just shut down anything Trump goes for, for the rest of his term. Is that what you want? Is this more important than that? Still no mention in the NYTimes.

People talking about it in unrelated comments sections. Sometimes I wonder who mega anon might be. Someone from the inside who defected? It could be anyone. Likely means that the person that's gonna get indicted is a democrat.

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The same reason why CNN started publishing stories with the "does his motive really matter" on the Vegas shooting. Unfortunately, many people don't know what program Hillary used to wipe those emails. When looking further, the email server used a modified version of BleachBit frankly a far better option that CCleaner or other cleaning programs.

Keep in mind a friend of mine who is a god in file recovery was right next to me. If it is good enough for her to wipe 30 thousand emails off the face of the Earth, it's good enough for me. Nobody likes it when a goreposter shits up a thread and wastes reply slots, you fat nigger.

Yea I get it, she got rid of the evidence. Her predictable defense is that its national security stuff and she wasnt going to half ass it. OH perfect some fucking spic cleaning lady will go down while the kikes walk free.

I thought the summerfags would be busy with schoolwork. Pretty weak goreposts man, that guy on the right is just bloody. First ones not bad, but you cant really see the detail. Youre shitting up a sticky, thats why they would delete it.

Or maybe it's because it's off topic, and gore doesn't actually keep anyone away. All it does is shit up threads. It's pretty funny that Muller is suddenly making a move on his investigation only after all this news came out.

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As the Left loses control of the narrative and with major publications coming out demanding Mueller's resignation, Mueller's mover is clearly an attempt to intervene. Mueller also arrests Tony Podesta and perhaps other Democrat operatives.

THIS is totally possible and would be very interdasting because the recent news breaking about the Dossier leads to the perfectly reasonable theory that Clinton and her currupt cabal of Government insiders including Obama officials may have set up an Op against Trump based on the fake Dossier which was authored by the Russians.

This 3rd option is totally consistent with the news cycle. We heard about Tony Podesta being investigated by Mueller last week; All of the Clinton Corruption news has been breaking last week. And Mueller is suddenly announcing indictments last week.

I can't be the only one that feels that happening becoming 'a normal reality' rather than 'a change' is actually a good thing. From what I can see he admitted everything he did while under oath, including media leaks.

First of all, that's the worst spelling of a word I've ever seen in my life. It's subpoena or sup under poena penalty. I think it's safe to say you don't know WTF you're talking about. CNN and WaPo are at least reporting it.

Not even trying to spin it. Are they questioning the validity of the leak? Having slept on this, I think nothing will happen, and no one will be arrested. The deep state had a terrible week and CNN flat out made this up, and it is totally fake news.

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Purpose was to change the discussion. They would lose their last shred of credibility even within the libshit sphere tjat they depend on. I hope you're right, but i find that hard to believe, even though the NYT is still avoiding it as far as I know.

Have to say lads, the more I think about this, the less I am able to see Mueller's Monday announcement as being anything other than a "bad news" story for Trump. Mueller, who didn't have the personal integrity to act on the same Uranium 1 information when he led the FBI, suddenly finds the personal integrity to conduct a fair, impartial investigation of Trump?

Mueller hires a team that consists — without exception — of loud and proud Democrat partisan prosecutors and investigators, Democrat donors all. So now Mueller suddenly leaks to CNN! Then, suddenly, Mueller decides to make a move on his investigation.

They better have the goods, because if they don't, then the very continuation of the FBI as a law enforcement agency is on the menu as we continue to learn how hopelessly corrupt our institutions have become.

They have no credibility. They have flat out made up bigger news stories than this, then when discovered that they were wrong, they just go on like nothing happens. Still waiting for them to admit they were wrong about "hands up don't shoot" and the follow up riot they started….

Obama asked him to stay on. That makes no sense… You don't get an arrest warrant then go shake it around. You get an arrest warrant then go arrest the guy. Why are they waiting until Monday? If they had arrested whoever Friday evening, they could keep them in jail all weekend.

Who ever they arrest will be out by Tuesday morning at the latest now. Furthermore, what if the indictment gets squashed at first hearing? This leak will just embolden the people who want to end Special Council, and disbar Mueller.

No the only chess move that makes sense here is, they played a pawn, CNN and they will lose that piece, but in the meantime they buy a little time. But for me, I look at Mueller's team — all partisan democrats — and to support the theory that Mueller's Monday news will benefit Trump somehow requires the conclusion that Mueller and his Merry Band of Democrats have all — for the first time in my lifetime — decided to turn on their own party and go after the Democrats.

If you believe Hannity, it's because there is more "Bad Dem" news dropping on Monday and Mueller is trying to control the news Narrative over the weekend to prep his Monday announcement. I just can't fathom why the police were not waiting outside whoevers house or office it was when the indictment was signed.

This is just not at all how law enforcement works. Now whoever they have indictment for can be long gone by Monday, or it gives them time to destroy evidence, or murder witnesses, that sort of thing. I don't know why anyone would at this point.

Do people forget the run-up to the Iraq War or something? Whatever side of something Hannity is on I immediately distrust. Unless of course getting the warrant is largely the point. Wave it around and see if anyone gets fidgety, so as to gather information on who to investigate next.

Always squeeze every advantage you can from all events. Or they are simply desperate. Yeah, that doesn't make me trust Hannity more. It makes me trust Trump less. You clearly are one of the anti-Trumps, which is fine, but your hate blinds you.

Only a complete Moron would argue that whatever Hannity says is irrelevant. You could plausibly argue that what Hannity says is the official Trump way of seeing things. I think that's probably true to some extent, and thus as an unofficial Trump spokesman you should treat Hannity with some skepticism.

Just like, you know, everything that CNN says…. Im starting to think CNN got caught in a trap. Not "jews look h'white to me" pro-White, either. Unfortunately Mueller is deep state as deep state gets. The indictment will be against a Trump associate and the media will flog their weiner for the next few weeks to take the attention off of Fusion GPS and Hillary.

Mueller was put in place to threaten Trump and keep him "in line". When he went rogue and started going after the deep state and Hilldawg, Mueller had to drop the hammer quickly more quickly than almost every other investigation like this.

BleachBit uses a single pass wipe. Normal recovery software cannot do much after that. But for data forensic experts, that is not enough - even if data was wiped with all 0 or a random pattern of 0 and 1 , the previous magnetic orientation can still be detected.

Comey was complicit to Clinton handling of secret data, and did not pursued all technical means to retrieve data or his men did and he decided to just cover it up. Her main crime is not tampering with the evidence.

Her main crime is setting up an unsecured server at there home and using unsecured devices, so all the classified materials she received ended up on Russian, Chinese, Iranians and Weiner laptop. See all this JFK file circus?

They try to cover it up for 50 years now. Podesta Tony I believe. Hillary possible but she is out of the country I think. She would need to be first because she is a flight risk and would basically warn everyone.

No ends to tie up if she's first. Hillary has been in the UK "pushing her book". I am unsure, but will likely be going to other European countries too. Pretty sure Trump and his team Bannon? Mueller goes to jail for his complicity.

Mueller tells them everything and he gets a do-over. By the way, has there been any official announcement about Mueller's charges? Did he personally say it? She is not "promoting books" she is attempting to hide offshore money so it cannot be traced.

How insular is the special council? Is it possible there are non-swampniggers involved throwing out various flavors of dis-info to see who will bite? There will be no mercy for what they did.. CNN is getting left hanging out to dry.

Pedoesta will not fall without Clintons. They practically share a belly-button, and I'm pretty sure Podesta is their hitman. From the 90's to odumbo years, Podesta was travelling to any major country with Clintons.

He will not be touched. We could say everyone in the world influenced the American election. Should internet be shutdown because foreign sources could influence Americans through internet? This is so fucking stupid. Who care if Russia had influence, even lots of it?

Is it even a problem? Thanks to pol I laugh my ass of at the gore and gag at people licking toilets. What the fuck has become of me.. The question is who has flipped and who will be the first to wear the leg irons and sandals.

Watch as they will spin this to say Russia gave them weak propaganda in order to get Trump to win. Stop influencing me you foreign boogieman! Your postings might make me vote differently in my country! You aren't using your mind control waves and hot women on me again are you to make me vote for something other than the establishment candidate?

Maybe you once attended a banquet with me and in that moment you casted your spells over me and rigged the election? We must have 0 contact with outsiders, shut down the internet, shut it all down chaim! If you seriously think that Russia would be the only foreign influence of US election, or fuck even if Russia is pro-Trump makes me laugh.

Lads, I am making a prediction here. Take it with a grain of salt, but cap just in case. The indictment charges will go to either Manafort, Podesta or Schultz. If Manafort, he will save his ass by claiming he was a Dem plant meant to fuck up Trump's campaign by giving credence to the Russia scam.

If Podesta or Schultz, they'll do as they're doing now and claim they had no prior knowledge and throw down evidence pointing to the former Secretary of State, Hillary Goddamn Rodham Clinton.

If it gets up to the Podesta level, a guy like that is savvy enough to know how to snitch on Clinton without getting himself killed. Basically, only people who are already dead-set against Trump even care about this, cuz even the people who don't have a strong opinion either way are thinking, regarding the premise "Wait, so Russia HURT the country by telling us the TRUTH about Clinton?

Then, of course, pushing the investigation gets the FBI looking at the real Russia collusion, which is by Clinton. Reminder to always replace the word Russian with US intelligence. Rolling for we will all be surprised with unforseen circumstances within a week.

Even if it's something relatively small, like investing in Russian goods or being paid to lobby for them. Remember the FBI raided his condo??? It'll continue to push the impeachment narrative and likely turn normie Trumpers against the Don.

Mueller is fucking deep-deep-super-deep-state with ties to the Clintons going back decades. Trump should've removed him at the beginning but he was too slow. Now any decision from him will be seen as non-partisan which it definitely fucking isn't.

It actually gets really cold at night and in the early morning. Imagine North Eastern weather in the United States before fall but near the end of summer, with little humidity. But either way, it will be right-wingers charged and convicted.

CNN is full of shit and folks should carefully parse the wording of their 'news' these days. Will someone be indicted Monday? Has Trump fast-tracked Hillary email release? The new fad with MSM is injecting their wet dreams into their enemies.

Washington CNN President Donald Trump has made it clear to the State Department that he wants to accelerate the release of any remaining Hillary Clinton emails in its possession as soon as possible, according to three sources familiar with the President's thinking.

When you quote inline, add a space: There's no stopping the Trump train, the only hope the left has is fucking over tax cuts to fuck over the economy, but even the Republicans aren't that stupid especially after the dossier and Uranium One leaks laid the ground work for them ignoring this bullshit entirely.

Why in the fuck would anyone give someone they are arresting a head start? Especially when those they are arresting easily have enough money to leave the country? Which tells me they want to get rid of her but can't really because she could very likely have a dead mans switch hidden, something tells me this house of cards is coming down on Monday.

I get the sense the swamp is untouchable because the swamp is all there is to jewmerica - it's not like your institutions are set to serve the interests of the people when the cost of it is your aristocracy. It will be for something related or similar to the Podesta thing, but there will be no mention of Podesta.

The media will claim this as their vindication, even though nothing will stick and they won't really be able to tie it to Trump, they'll just keep implying it for as long as he's in office. Mueller will then claim that he has more investigation to do and go back to being Trump's leash until the next time Trump tried to expose the deep state.

Oh absolutely, that's probably already well on it's way. Cartels are deeply linked to a lot of bullshit that has happened the past few decades. We need to take personal care too. While governments might not give 2 fucks about this place, cartels may.

The FakeNews tagline triggers them so fucking much even now. They have to constantly say they are REAL news. The more crap like this I read, the more convinced I am that the indictment will come down on a democrat.

Even if there was legitimacy to this, it's far past, It's been too late for decades. What Mueller should do is bring charges against himself. Would be best scenario. All I can imagine is stunt coordinated actors and actresses getting their shit pushed in.

Considering this, they will likely have their prepped bull bodyguards, as they are cowards. So, if SHTF just be sure to carry bear spray. Yep looks like it will be Manafort. MSM will have a field day with it, casting more and more suspicion on more Trump members who interacted with him.

Nothing more much will happen, but Mueller will look to drag this investigation to mid terms or beyond. They really do take Alinsky tactics to heart, they live and breath it. Guilty consciences implying they have one anymore, they don't one and all.

You don't need to have a conscience to feel the fear that comes from your tangled web collapsing. They know they're lying mouths are going to be shut. They're just kicking and screaming now. Checked, that half dago cunt will will be fucked like the whore she is soon enough.

They need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. It wont get better until they are silenced. Someone tell me I'm wrong, that it's not going to be manafort, that the press isn't going to get to claim they were "right" about Russian Collusion, that Uranium One isn't about to be totally swept under the rug while the GOP refuses to investigate….

They have been colluding with the dems since forever. They are the same party. By undermining facts and truths wit opinions and conjecture, there are people that likely don't believe a single thing that I do. And there's no way to bridge that gap.

Any attempt at commonality that doesn't completely affirm their beliefs is "fake news" and dismissed. That faggot was THIS close to having somewhat of a point regarding the average leftist vs.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow won't be good news for Trump, but like every time it happened, the Dems will celebrate too soon and get fucked later by their own. So filter man thinks that Manafort and two others are going to be indicted tomorrow.

Is it worth it to stay up all night to see who? Daily reminder that Podesta personally kidnapped a girl in Portugal for his pedophilia ring. He failed the NWO and for that he is going to be destroyed.

He was a nobody pedophile that gained power through blood libel and infantile rape rituals who was supposed to deliver but couldn't trick electors in to getting Shillary in to office. He is an arrogant faggot who has one way out if he knows what is best for humanity and wants to live.

If not, he will hang. We haven't even gotten to the pedo shit. Look at his red shoe fat fuck brother's 9th floor art. I say torture them until they die of natural causes. Use nigger care doctors for good for once.

They wont touch Podesta. They're going to pin uranium one on Trump. It won't stick, but they're going to get their collusion. They will attack Manifort and not mention Podesta. Why does anyone think Mueller would do anything that could lead to Hillary?

The files found at Manafort's house were just bank transfer receipts and other files about his goings on in the Ukraine. Nothing hard to actually prosecute him for. This all has to do with money being exchange for the Dossier and it's use to influence the election.

I don't think they found what they were looking for in order to destroy. Hence the progression of truth since it. I think people searching truth are going to be pleasantly surpised. I can't tell if people are this delusional or if it's some sort of shill campaign, but I'm gonna have to go salt mining if it comes down to a democrat.

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HWMonitor does not do this. So I think that speccy reads the same thing the cpu fan reads or is instructed to follow by the OS, which may not reflect the reality of the situation, whereas HWMonitor reads something else and is probably more accurate e.

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At the very least, it will always add another middleman in between you and your destination. I was planning on buying a cheap case with 2 fans in the bottom front and one fan in the top back pic related but now I read that for good airflow you want more exhaust than intake fans so you don't get "more air stuck in there than you can pump out".

Yeah, that's the right answer. Code looks fine for the question, honestly. Don't worry about it this early on. I have one additional case fan, and the only place I can mount it is in the area circled yellow. Would it be better off as an exhaust, or an intake?

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For example, he just launched GTAV. Printers - Designjet Large Format. Hope this helps, have a good one! Swearing and cursing at an infuriating problem with Maya 's UV Texture editor. After making any changes, moving, rotating, scaling, unfolding etc, most of the time the changes aren't displayed unless I close the UV Texture Editor window and open it again.

Anyone else having the same problem? Got any tips or workarounds? Actually, A W, you were pretty much correct. With that selected, everything's running as it should. Brilliant, thanks a lot. Now the workflow will return to being niiiice and smooth again, without a clunky and erratic UV Texture Editor!

You've been a big help. Hi all, I have a problem with UV-s. It streches the UVs all along the mesh, and I am wondering, if there are any ways to solve this problem. I've got the same problem now on a model i've done. I unchecked the "smooth when subdividing", but it doesnt solve the problem.

I've got no clue on what to do now. I'm trying to unfold my model along the selected edge but the result looks very strange and I can't figure out why that is. Could I have made my object with too many polygons?

For some reason Ive also had a problem like this, I tried choosing edges and it worked Is there any command which will help you shape your UV exactly as you wish? I've run into an issue trying to fix the seams with my uv maps on a Geosphere.

The 'mapping leaves a visible seam', that I don't want visible. I haven't run across anything to fix the seams of uv mapping on a sphere. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't know how it happened and what to do. While working on model in Mudbox 1.

The original level 0 is OK and the final level 5 got it all merged. Any ideas how to fix it? Is there a way when creating a new texture to set how many pixels you'd like for the UV border? I have some old models I'd like to redo the textures but some UV borders a close to one another and that creates artifacts when painting.

That'd be cool if we could do it as I rather not redo all the UVs for these models. Hello, I've recently made a mesh dress, rigged and everything but now when I made the UV Map for it and upload the UV Map texture seperatly to second life the uv map does not really match with my dress?

Like it's completely repositioned and it does not look like how it's supposed to. Is there a tutorial that shows how to apply a UV Map to a rigged texture or can anyone help me find out what I'm doing wrong?

Yep that's the one. No problem with the term being corrected, like I said in my post "or whatever it's called". It is a long time since I was last in Blender but I knew what I meant. Another option in GameDraw is the ability to do planar, cubic and spherical mapping from the UV tab.

How do you figure out, the coordinates for each UV tile? I came across an image on how to figure it out in Maya UV editor, but I can't figure it out in Texture Editor in Softimage, Maya has a ruler within it's UV editor to make it a little easier.

Why in SI preferences are set to that is the right hand corner of the noIcon. And to figure out what each UV coordinates tile is in the TE. I found one site here the closest to what I'm after but still in a distance as it only explains the coordinates each angle of a square, not what I want.

I've been very careful with my UV Mapping, following proper procedures and what not, and have some meshes apply the baked texture just fine, while others stretch it so far out that the model is a solid color.

A 'best practices' would be wonderful at this point but I'll take any input I can get. Ash will be a lot more help than me with how Blender works, she's really good with it, but that pic is a step in the right direction from what I can see.

I never tried the Autodesk converter but some people use it with success to export. I have no idea how to use it though. Treat a customer well and they remember you. Treat a customer badly and they never forget. I just found the UV map for a sculptie i made a long time ago in another program that doesn't bake textures.

I'd like to make a shadow map for it in Blender. How can I import it's UV map? I never produced a collada file when I made it. Are you asking about the UV map or the sculpt map? UV maps control texture coordinates.

Every sculpty has the exact same UV layout, just a uniform grid, occupying the full canvas space. There's nothing to "import", in this respect. Sculpt maps are what capture the geometric shape data for sculpties.

To utilize sculpt maps in Blender, the Primstar plugin is your best option, as the previous poster suggested. It's slightly more complicated, but you could just use two x maps and distribute the UVs between the two with clusters.

Works ok with the Source game engine. I have got some problem with the UV map. I tried 2 method: I want to use my model for a game and it will be more visible. Watch this tutorial here on the Area as it explains moving between Max and Mudbox and back again.

Hi, I have an object with a file texture. The UV Map has been exported with the snapshot option so without the above-stated file texture in the UV texture editor and I modified the UV map into photoshop including transparency.

How can I import the modified UV map again and link it to the current file texture so that I have both textures on my object? Thanks for your suggestion. I plan to use 3delight to render. I however found the solution thanks to Layered textures.

Let me know if any further explanation needed. It is very easy to remove the tubes from the Print cartridge panel. Try cleaning the tubes with warm water and hangthem to dry. Next time I will use warm distilled water to be safe.

I'm not sure which discussion this should go in. Since it involves UV maps, I thought it might go here. I have about 80 light bulb models in my scene, and when I start a render, I get this warning for each of them.

The models have simple materials applied, no texture maps. You must be applying a node in your materials that has a UV input which is popping up the message. Here is a section of the mesh, parts of the mesh paint smooth, other parts this is the result.

Here is the results after importing UV on the base level and level 1 only. I went back to the drawing board, I started to re-top my mesh. At this stage everything looks clean, flowing edge loops etc.

I decided to import what I've completed thus far into Mud, apply a transfer and it came back to haunt me, non-quads levels not support. I checked my target mesh at the point it is at now, the topology is way better then the source mesh, although it now won't transfer.

Why do I keep running into this problem. I want to solve it, I want to master this problem and nail it in the rear. I found out how to re-enable them: Read All 3 Posts. Read All 1 Posts. Read All 2 Posts.

Read All 10 Posts. Multiple Uv Texture Baking? Uv Mapping Soldier Tutorial? If anyone could help that would be great thanks Attachments: Uv Is Gone da mesh --gt; recreate levels uvsYes, thank you for the reply oglu I just found it and posted it here, then I saw your post.

Read All 4 Posts. How Are My Line And Specs Uv Realtime Screenshots 3k no problems im still under 30 days just making sure everything runs fine before contract begins but thx! Read All 6 Posts. I already have used xview and it's all ok.

Bake Multi Uv Tiles sz Hi! Quando o "Scan" Terminar, clique em "Exibir os resultados". Changing The Default Uv Map? Just let it replace the old one. Uv Sets And Layers. Spiro Read All 1 Posts. Read All 8 Posts. Maya Uv Texture Editor On Mac 64 Bit 8x Funny how used one becomes to the abhorrent build quality of Maya and just uses workarounds to be productive.

Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone can give me. Skin Of Character da texture, material, and uv. Does anybody have any idea about this? About Uv c8 Is there a way to set each polygon as one big tile block and make them overlap?

About Uv c8 Hi, I'm unsure what you are asking, are you asking if polygons can overlap in the UV map within the space? Thanks, Remi Read All 2 Posts. Uv Texture Editor zd How come my texture is displaying like this?

Read All 5 Posts. Variable exits Customer exits db: Pas de son lors d'un appel vocal TS I got a email saying my lost iPhone has been found, but I went and checked and it isn't showing up on the map and it hasn't been 24hrs yet since I received the email!

Is it possible to provision to a system when it hangs on the CUA? Accesso non riuscito per lutente sa. Accidently ran pc recovery How do I temporarily stop downloading photos after a recent restore from backup.

Uv Problem When Painting But Uv Its Ok jp Hi, Im having a little problem when i paint over a object, in some places the texture become weird, i think its not the uv, because other areas with identical uv has no problems.

House Call Scan - Infected Files. Can any body help? I am just finding my way around. Janet Read All 3 Posts. Uv Maps am This belongs in the Community Help section. Many Thanks Read All 1 Posts.

When To Uv Map? Problem With My Model's Uv zd my model is the opposite of normal models for some reason. Problem With My Model's Uv zd so no clue? Eric Read All 2 Posts.

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For smooth perfomance on low youll need some thingbeyter. However that was stupid of me to ask because i dont have an actual reference. I'm using pcspecialist, do you know of any better websites for getting a laptop with custom specs?

Or can you recommend a prebuilt one. That isn't your native res, is it? Just made a small gb partition to try out antegros. Jealous of these fauncy desktops. The top drive is my main drive. Going to make another split for swap space.

What file system and should I even be splitting that drive any more? Don't wanna pull a voldemort and fuck myself for splitting too many times. Go to a tech shop and look for an amd laptop with an apu for around dollars, so euros?

That should do the trick. I dont think more than 4 gb of ram is needed for your purposes. Also you can possibly do windows charge back and save 60 or so if it has windoes on it. Just say i dont need help to the sales people and you'll be fine, its just their job.

I just got a secondhand psp go and it charges but nothing happens when I put it in USB mode. Double check psp setting? The chord could be damaged. How does my windows 8 oem code continue to keep working on every reinstall on more than one computer?

How do other KDE users who also use kwallet deal with typing in the password upon login? I've got a script which copies my password to the clipboard, but it's not the best solution since things might load slow sometimes making me unable to run the script in time and have a bunch of error messages pop up.

I'm using a new cable I got on Amazon which seems to work for everyone else. There's no way that my PSP itself is fucked? That might be the reason the seller wanted to get rid of it. Deleted system 32 Installed Gentoo Washed my processor.

Nowadays when I press "record", sometimes things go smoothly. Then when I playback the recording, I notice choppiness in certain parts of it but not entirely throughout. And when I use ffmpeg to trim the recordings, the video and audio is desynced.

Again, 2 months ago this didn't happen. Clean installing Win10 didn't fix it. Using a driver cleaner and reinstalling an nvidia driver from January didn't fix it. Lowering the bitrate, changing the fps from 60 to 30, and lowering the resolution didn't fix it.

Is my ti dying? That's the only thing I can think of. Also teu formatting the card from the system. Why does youtube in 4k lags? I have a and k It shouldn't be lagging, hell it even drops frames.

It's not my network or my hardware, so what is it? I've given it a bit of a clean and placed it in the other pci-e port and now i can use the outs from the card but in the device manager all i can see is "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" and unsurprisingly the nvidia drivers can find a device to use.

Any tips here guys or is it ripinpeace ti? Right now it says I have Software Version 6. You get what you need or you get the latest and greatest every year like a retard. If you can't wait then just do it. Lile i wanna play witcher 3, ds3, etc all the good games on max and no lower.

Regarding temperatures, which program is more reliable, speccy or hwmonitor? I've had some issues with speccy. And how can it be that, say, the cpu cores are at least 5C cooler than the 'package' i. Thing about speccy is that it follows some sort of OS-reported value probably while HWMonitor doesn't.

For example, literally the exact moment I try to saturate the CPU i. HWMonitor does not do this. So I think that speccy reads the same thing the cpu fan reads or is instructed to follow by the OS, which may not reflect the reality of the situation, whereas HWMonitor reads something else and is probably more accurate e.

OS independent -- if the OS does deal with reporting temps. Tried speedfan too, reads exactly as HWMonitor. Do fans always run at the same speed case fans unless you have a software or hardware fan controller? Depends on the fan.

Chrome is better out of the box, but Firefox is the best overall. How much would a What is the total wholesale cost for 60 copies? Also, are there any keywords that I could use to to make my code less junky? It feels a bit Or do you gents recommend something else?

Give or take a false sense of superiority and a general lack of being mentally grounded in reality. Will using a VPN make my connection faster if I only get like 0. At the very least, it will always add another middleman in between you and your destination.

I was planning on buying a cheap case with 2 fans in the bottom front and one fan in the top back pic related but now I read that for good airflow you want more exhaust than intake fans so you don't get "more air stuck in there than you can pump out".

Yeah, that's the right answer. Code looks fine for the question, honestly. Don't worry about it this early on. I have one additional case fan, and the only place I can mount it is in the area circled yellow.

Would it be better off as an exhaust, or an intake? In either instance, would it interfere with the intake of the CPU? Asking here because I have no clue what could be causing this problem on my brother's computer.

I've seen it happening lots of times. Pretty much on every game he plays the computer lags like crazy until it "warms up" like a fucking old car. For example, he just launched GTAV. On the first and second attempt it ran like shit, lag, sttuering out the ass and the like.

On the third one, it runs perfectly without touching anything config related. I'm not sure if a format and fresh install could help or if he should just return his meme They'd be essentially perpendicular. Not enough to make it matter.

I just enabled XMP on my old DDR3 mhz ram in bios however after a reboot the bios and speccy show it running at I can't understand what's going on with my PC. My old mobo died, it had a lga socket, which is almost impossible to find new nowadays outside of the shitty H61 chipset range, so I bought an used one on ebay.

Being a P67 chipset it doesn't have integrated graphics. Long story short, I reassembled the PC with it yesterday, and turned it on. Ghz back to its normal 3. I went to sleep and woke up today to find it turns on but doesn't give any video output.

I tried a multitude of things, and in the end only resetting the cmos with moving the jumper for 15s worked. It takes me back to the F1 for setup F2 for continue screen. Picking F2 causes it to immediately shutdown and lose video output again, which means another cmos reset.

PIcking F1, changing literally nothing and then doing "save and reboot" also makes it shutdown and lose video output again. The only way I can make the PC work is to pick F1, change no settings, and then manually pick "boot into X" from inside the bios.

And once I shut it down, I have to do the same again. What the fuck is going on? Is this "new" mobo also screwed up? Pic related, the PC with the new mobo installed. If I'm connecting and disconnecting a flash drive a lot, will this cause any problems with the files?

Even if I disconnect it safely, I mean. Is it possible to cut down a board safely to this size like some did with Gamecube although I realize these were a hell of a lot simpler motherboards? Decent VPN for torrent streaming?

Free is better but a cheap lifetime or yearly cost is doable. Couldn't be more concise without losing possibly important info, though I tried. So, tell me what is wrong with W7 with no updates?

Do i really need to update and skip malware updates? Performance wise it will affect me? Google is way too advanced for me. Positive pressure will always be better than negative pressure, and true neutral pressure is pretty much impossible to obtain.

Using smooth scrolling on Firefox, I hate the way that the text kinda lingers. It's blurred while scrolling and I can barely read things quickly while scrolling. Any way to make the text more readable while scrolling?

Nombre de los iconos. Carpeta datos de juegos guardadosIcons. Cursor al mover archivos, etc. Carpeta de video que se esta viendo. Muchas gracias tio, kudo para ti. Pero no se puede cambiar el icono de los trofeos?

Mensaje editado por Daxiel-Mjt en Clickable Links, right on top of the wallpaper. I want a few on my computer, but I can't figure out how to get them there!! Can anyone help me? Here's a picture of what I'm talking about..

It's the clickable links in the middle of the screen.. Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. That's a nice looking Launcher app Apple are using. This one looks similar but not sure if it's the same one: Anybody has the same issue with this kind of connection speed?

Message Edited by - Andrew - on If I may offer a little critique and I do a lot of hobbyist 3D work, but you should add a slight bevel to your edges. It would really fill the image out. Other than that, nice.

I agree, and DNG is presently the only contender for said standard. The bottom-line is, that unless you are willing to limit yourself to using Adobe and Adobe-compatible raw software, today and for the near future, then there may be more disadvantages to conversion, than there are advantages.

So, I think my point still stands: If Adobe implemented a means to revert to original raw, and other features that kept users from painting themselves into a corner by converting to DNG like ability to keep track of original raw like a sidecar, and sync changes to DNG with xmp of original raw without reverting, etc Until such time Adobe sees fit to provide more support for the brave souls who are willing to convert to DNG now, I recommend DNG only to those who are willing to commit to limiting themselves to today's complement of compatible software.

I've mentioned many of them, above and elsewhere in various forums. Such problems may be be due to improper implementation of the DNG specification, but the fact remains: My requiremnt to add a Custom action button into the ribbon and change the value of a particular column of the selected items.

This could be achieved in any other library or list. But in the Picture Libraray as there is no ribbon in the allitems. Open Get, New Uri sprites. Hi Navid - you write that. I run my vs on a windows server - standard edition.

I also changed build action for sprites. Hello I would really like to know if there is a answer to my question. Is there anybody that know how to fix this? For more information, please refer to the following link: I'm newbie, i want process about process bar and create list music show write code, please.

It's not clear what exactly you're trying to achieve but if you want to create an app which just plays music then I would suggest starting with this sample:. Can anyone help me, somehow I have added this to my PC res: It is driving me nuts every time I open a new page, I keep getting asked if I trust the website, Then I have to click on the message 3 xs to open the webpage, please help me get rid of this problem.

I am using XP. Hi JohnDennis63, Perform few troubleshooting steps to fix this issue Method: Follow the steps given below to open the Internet explorer in No Add-on made. Go to All Programs c.

Click on Accessories d. Select System Tools e. Then click Internet Explorer No Add-ons. Perform the steps from the following link. In VB it would look something like: I just tried to compile my AIR app which includes the new icon sizes required for iOS 7 76x76, x, x and the Spotlight search result icons 40x40 and 80x Here's the icon section from my app descriptor XML:.

When packaged it says that the app id is different. Why can't CS6 just let us use the new icons! I've noticed a bad drop in speeds over the past week, I can't download at the speed I was before and am getting some lag in games, any advice or changes made from Sky to improve my speed would be much appreciated.

I did change some partition types and sizes on my hard disk and so i backuped all vmware files over secure file transfer client over network on a ntfs partition. Could not get information from smbios to populate VMDB. No such file or directory.

How can I repair a vmdk file or extract some files of it the windows that are important to me? Hello, Ive only just installed Arch and its standard procedure to make something in gimp for every new distro I install and share it.

These are really quick works, nothing special, just some gradient work with the arch symbol and color scheme. I have created Infopath Ribbons using the custom action for Ribbons. Ribbons are coming properly in Infopath Browser Forms.

But when i specify RegisterationId and. Registeration Type so that i can register them only for single content type. This binding is not working and ribbons are not showing in specified content type.

To make sure i am having correct ID for content type I have used. So there is no issue in Content type ID. Has anyone faced similar issue. Can we not specify the infopath ribbons for specific content type?? Not sure if anyone else was able to get the RegisterationId and RegisterationType working, but I wasn't.

This fires everytime the button is displayed on the InfoPath ribbon. I placed a hidden Textbox in the InfoPath form with a value in it that is checked whenthe function in EnabledScript is run. Here is a sample: I foudn the following files after investigating why my iWeb grows from 7MB on disk to 17 MB when published:.

Also, when trying to look at the index. When you convert a. There is no way to disable this format. If you have a problem with images on some web pages then you may need to block images from some domains.

Is there away to "one-click" export an image to a set of. I need this for a set of iOS app icons. I almost succeeded in doing this with Photoshop Actions, but can't figure out how to make the file names include the original image file name.

In other words, file NewApp. Russell Browns web site has one name Image Processor Pro you can have it save many image files for each file you have it process. For each you can set what format to save in, optionaly have it resize the original to fit within some pixel boundry the document original aspect ratio will be preserved.

Optionally you can also have the Image Processor Pro run an action you select before the Image processor Pro save the output files for some or all output file set ups. The Actions can be run before or after the optional resize is done.

These actions could also resize, crop or distort the active work document. We have an internal AIR app, there were some small changes made yesterday so the version number was increased and the application was packaged and uploaded to the server with an updated config XML on the server to match the new version number.

Nothing out of the ordinary, and no frameworks were changed. When you launch the old version of the app you get the prompt to update, cool, you click Download Now and get the following.

If you point your browser to the URL in the update config xml on the server it downloads the AIR file, then you double click it and it replaces the old version successfully. So it just doesn't work via the ApplicationUpdater UI.

I'm sorry for the delay here. Thank you for your patience. I hava two png file j2se or JAI or other pkg can use 1. I've just designed the layout and background for a new site, www. Ideally, I think I'm having trouble setting the background properly in Dreamweaver.

The site layout was built with Photoshop and then slilced. When you go to the site, there are two active links, www. I've attached a picture of what he sent me to help you understand what he's seeing When I built the layout in Photoshop, I used the Web Canvas and it wasn't big enough for the browser test.

I sliced out part of the background and created a background image and added it in using a style sheet to complete the rest of the background. I want the content to take up more space, but when I built the layout in Photoshop, I placed the objects on the out limits of the pages This is a bit like closing the barn door after all the horses have left.

There is no quick fix for all your problems. Allowing Photoshop to generate your HTML code for you is an invitation to unsightly gaps and other cross browser rendering issues. Photoshop is a terrific image editing tool.

But the HTML code it generates is not suitable for use on real web sites as you're discovering the hard way. It's only for quick comps during the initial design phase. Hi, I'm building an Android app with Adobe Air 3.

Some users with newer Android devices e. Nexus 4 told me that they got a parse error by trying to install my app. There was a problem parsing the package"Is something wrong with the app. Android part of app. I know this is not exactly what you are looking for, but I wanted my xml file to indicate that the app for android could only be played on large and xlarge screens screens over 7 inches.

I need the requiresSmallestWidthDp to set to to accomplish this as well. It was not good enough for me to just write "true" permissions to large and xlarge screens, as this included too many other devices as well.

All together, it limited my app to just over devices. When I got that parse error as well, it was a small error I made in the screen support section and it would not allow me to compile the code at all ie I could not produce a file to do any testing with.

I cannot tell where your parse error is occuring but I know my code see below worked fine. Maybe you need a slash after the "auto". Kann man das noch weiterleiten BD In my desktop AIR app all 4 icons 16, 32, 48, are set. Windows use bigger icon in this case and resize it to Why Windows do not use original icon?

See attached picture - top icon from quick launch bar is original png, bottom icon is or resized to Printer Color Laser Printer. An error has occurred in the script on this page Line: Not enough storage is available to process this command Code: This could be a symptom of a problem with a printer driver.

See a now locked TechNet thread for some related examples and other info Hello, I use this document to create my first gadget: TutauxIn a first version works perfectly my gadget, but after a bug in the PC and reinstallation of it, my gadget is declared invalid.

Here is my script: Sobre tu inconveniente en concreto y en vista que ya realizaste los pasos que te recomendados. Puedes acceder al siguiente enlace de Microsoft donde hablan de este inconveniente y brindan soluciones para el mismo.

Como aparece na biblioteca: Just wanted to show off my new web site I have been working on for the last 48 hours My main question is, the file sizes of the pictures are way too big You have to see where you fit in there based on scope of work, your ability, your portfolio etc.

I think the best strategy is to start off very small and design a lot of sites, and once you have the experience and knowledge and reputation to command more money, then you can worry about it.

If after a few sites you're finding you could be making more money at McDonalds, you might want to address. Here's my icons block: Having an OS child key in the icons key would be nice. Eliminare Drm 48 Png E Png 99 2 immagini nella raccolta Window e nelle foto una serie assurda di piccole e medie immagini.

Ffmpegthumbnailer, No Png Support? Last edited by phjames I just did an upgrade and now everything is working properly. Read All 1 Posts. Problems With Jars sj I just finished my first project at my new job, and now i need to package it into a jar so it can be executed with a double click.

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No sir... Majind Oct 09, · ccleanerforwindowsdownload. blogspot. com | Android Forums & News. Home. How do i make a High Resolution application for my application for my android how to create a high res icon bit. Copyright © 2017 How to save a 32 bit png with alpha channel (transparency) in Photoshop? Please explain the steps necessary to create a 32 bit png file 24 bit png image. - Ccleaner 32 bit 512x512 high res picture.

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