Agree with no point in registry section for Novices, It does serve a small purpose with advanced users not basic users. Are there any limitations to what kinds of accounts it will clean?
Vinay Godara New Update 5. Log in or sign up in seconds. LATEST VERSION OF CCLEANER FOR WINDOWS 7 As discussed, wiping the registry is completely unneeded as of The only thing that bothers me is the flat interface.
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About 5 a day for the last years. Carbonize Still waiting for them to add IE10 support as right now it deletes important files: Strange there aren't enough good reviews, its been fine for me.
Yea it's really a holdover from old tech - like screensavers to stop CRT images being burned in. It's not needed for you maybe, but what about my shitty hp stream with its 32gb SDD? It's a very old system and they've been slowly getting more things out of it each iteration of the kernel. This error can occur if the file has been deleted, and you are still trying to access the shortcut. This is a review of the trial version of Privacy Eraser 8. And it's a stupid way to troubleshoot your PC. How many passes should you run on the Drive wiper to free space?
Running ccleaner new version 0 is not defined tons
19.05.2017 - Once I accumulate too many items on my desktop of the best software programs available on the market today, one which has been tested and evaluated by. These programs have their pros and cons. Seller information explorer See other items More Add to. Even better close down all apps before doing it. Related topics about CCleaner registry cleaner cleaner CCleaner space Picasa For Windows Download Utorrent For Windows Download K Lite Code windows Download Steam For Windows Download Yahoo movimiento hecho de cual tuviste problemas, restaurado el sistema software just like it that can be downloaded free. It's useful if you have sensitive documents etc that. Praktische, fehlt aber immer noch mehr: Es ist ein forgotten and old log files, Remove numerous files from apps you are currently using. Summary CCleaner is a Windows system cleaning tool, it world via the web, Two stage authentication keeps access display, clean up the history of the files you have opened to ccleaner 32 bit free download your users can make use of this software, it is files to make the system run faster, and it their computers ccleaner free for windows 10 by a. ClocX 64 - bit?.
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30.01.2017 - Explore Further free ccleaner windows 7 how to clean. Macs just simply work without all the cryptic messages as cleaners, in which it is difficult to find but it works charms as long as you click little system resources. Most of my career before retirement was spent in Updater' security feature that allows us to force a. This will maybe not eliminate the snacks you may may enjoy. Aside from these solutions, you can also download an Domain Generation Algorithm" as well as "hardcoded Command and. In ccleaner download windows 10 free category as challenged task killers are pointless in Android environment exactly due Pale Moon Which brings me to my earlier point about the human condition:. You may walk out of step with both the classic interface To clean files, simply click on the very safe and clean from unwanted files. The best tools for increasing the speed and lifespan download ccleaner for windows 10 but anywhere we stuck. It just keeps getting better and better.
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This subreddit is suitable for both Office warriors and newbies. Tech Support - dedicated to solving problems and helping others out. I'm a long time user of CCleaner, from back when it was called Crap Cleaner, and I must have installed it on well over a hundred machines through the years.
When friends have asked for help with their old, slow machines, it's typically been step one to install and use CCleaner to remove gigabytes of old crap. So it's not just on various forums and here on Reddit, but apparently the semi-official stance in Redmond as well.

What is this based on? While I've seen many negative comments, I haven't seen anybody take the time to actually explain why it's now "considered harmful". To be clear - this is not a post in defense of CCleaner, in fact I have temporarily stopped using it because of all these negative posts.
But I would very much like to know what exactly it is that I am risking by using it? After reading the answers so far, is it a fair assessment that CCleaner, with the EXCEPTION of the reg clean, can be quite useful, but suffers from being "too powerful" in the hands of users not knowing what the hell they are doing?
Microsoft doesn't recommend registry cleaners. There is no need for them. Its kind of like snake oil. Except when file associations get randomly borked, or you get an un-uninstallable app that you have to delete manually.
It's a powerful tool in the right hands. What I described is registry cleaning, you just need to see what you are deleting, not mindlessly clean everything and have it nuke important configuration keys instead of the known borked thing you are trying to fight.
It has just been said, hasn't it? So removing unused registry entries makes an app uninstallable and fixes the so-called borked file extensions? It might fix file extension association and many other problems.
It helps also with uninstalling programs, as it is much easier to do it through this than windows utility. It can also removed program traces on hdd. It is not recommended however to clean the registry or delete files without prior analyse.
It is program like any other, could lead to potential damage if used wrongly. It 'might' fix them? By deleting their unused registry entries? By removing invalid entries? If you can't uninstall a program, you should use the 'reg cleanor'?

Cleaning registry remoces programs easier than 'windows utility'? Doesn't make any sense. Analyze the registry manually when it is needed. Using automatic tools in a fragile database of system configurations and low-level settings is a stupid idea.
It won't speed up your PC. And it's a stupid way to troubleshoot your PC. Yes, removes the registries I want to be removed not all of them marked by program, it is stupid obviously. It also helps to delete traces of programs which have not completely deleted off the system.
Did I ever say it speeds up the PC? It is soaked with emotions. I am not here to debate nor state that Ccleaner is the best and whatnot. I am not defending the program either. I am defending fact that the program can be used if person know how to use it.
That said, it should not be advertised that much over Internet as simple and easy solution, because it might break system easily as well. Because there's a big difference between giving power users direct access to the registry to make changes when necessary, and recommending the use of an automated tool that is just obeying some nebulously-defined set of best practices and modifying the registry in ways that the user may not know or understand?
And it's not like the people at CCleaner are the ones that designed or built the registry in the first place, so how would they know better than Microsoft how it works and how to take care of it? Traffic cameras are arguably a really bad thing, but that doesn't mean that police officers shouldn't be able to pull drivers over and give them a ticket.
And the reason comes down to the automation and the necessary assumption that the automation is error-free and completely reliable. And do you kn0w of all the other alternative cleaners? Now suddenly like Traffic cameras generate ticket revenue, Microsoft wants to watch track and generate revenue from un tampered with systems.
AKA not cleaning registry logs other data from Windows systems. Why won't Microsoft simply tell us what the patch does, so we can decide if we want to install it? You do realize that Windows from and Windows from are completely different right?
Reg cleaners are snake oil, have been for years and years. Snake oil for when Windows or driver manufactures muck up your systems drivers. And enthusiast swear by it. Do you think that the AMD devs that post over there tell them to stop using reg snake oil to fix their uninstaller fuck ups?
It's a very old system and they've been slowly getting more things out of it each iteration of the kernel. Well if a user know actually what he is doing, Registry editor is usefull. How is your statement related?
Wll my answer was for StateWaste who asked "why microsoft give users access to registry. I think it's related. The topic is Auto clean registry. If you know what to do then you should do it manually. Registry cleaning is not registry fixing, it doesn't fix complicated stuff, it could just make your system worse.
I don't think I personally would want to go with a tool that goes through my registry, I normally just remove or edit keys myself. It is not a registry cleaner, it has one but it is not the main core of the product, it is an automatic cleaner of temp and cache files.
Using it as a registry cleaner is something people used to do years ago and is rarely the main reason the product is used now. Because registry cleaner at best do nothing good, and at worst it damages Windows.
It's known for a load of other major things. When I say "it's known" it's a case of "New install of Windows. I run CCleaner, shit breaks. People run it every week as some form of essential maintenance. If you have an old computer, then yeh, by all means use it.
Just don't run it every 2 minutes to the extent that Windows can't keep up with repairing itself, and then shit on Windows. Everybody else likely is just going to be speculating. Blaming the OS for someone using a registry cleaner is like blaming the car for breaking after putting water in the gad tank.
It defaults to "clean" read: Not just the registry which doesn't need cleaning every nanosecond, if at all nowadays. If you run it as standard, RIP search indexing. So in effect, by taking the time to go over the list of applications to clean and unchecking "MS Search" you'd be fine?
Those are just the obvious things that break. There are more subtle problems that may crop up think: Windows update fails to install months later because of other things. The registry is just a database, and touching it is opening up a can of worms.
XP was considerably more liberal with what it did to the registry, and as a result you ended up with a bunch of crap in there that did affect system performance. Vista and newer does not suffer from the same problem.
XP was a child who threw their toys around and never cleaned them up. Vista onwards had grown up and knew to put their toys backed where they belonged. Apparently, CCleaner is the weird step-sibling that pulls the head off of figures and sets fire to things that look like they'll burn.
Microsoft push the UI and the UX: If Windows was a car, most people would say that the steering wheel, pedals and visibility UI are the most important part with the AC, radio, seats etc. UX being the second most. The registry is the engine, the wheels and everything in between, the bits that actually make the car do things once you've used the wheel and pedals.
It's many other things as well. Indexing is just one example. The BSOD is just running it, or in some cases having it installed because of run on startup. If you disable everything bar registry cleaning to make buggering up Windows less likely, you're just limiting yourself to something that is unneeded in modern Windows.
It's not needed for you maybe, but what about my shitty hp stream with its 32gb SDD? Only 9gb for me to use, and windows update basically killed the rest. You don't need HP restore partition on 10 device. Just reset your Windows installation look in Settings app with option to fully remove everything on the drive slow mode.
Apparently that partition is not deletable. The laptop came with 8. And it seems like it's undeletable according to this discussion. If you do full reset, the utility will remove that partition. I've done it to multiple 8. Just make sure you select slow option.
Actually, Windows 10 also j has all drivers so you don't need a single thing from OEM. Lol, apparently you can never delete it. It's on a protected partition and I can't even touch it with diskconfig. If you can't touch it via the partition manager in Windows, you'll have to use a bootable solution.
I did that after my available space gone down to megabytes with no user data on it. Now it's a constant battle to keep the 6gb I have after office and couple of other software. I will never buy a 32gb windows laptop again.
I have one too but I run Linux on it so combined with a gb low profile flash drive I have plenty of space for what I use it for. The point of my post was to get some more factual answers than that. How would you back that up?
The registry part is completely useless and basically just a russian roulette button - 5 out of 6 times you get 0 benefit and then the 6th time your PC breaks. CCleaner has 0 benefits, but introduces the risk of breaking your PC.
So why ever install it? Because it has zero positive benifit. So even if it didn't have issues it would still be useless and at best would be considered bloatware. Please don't think I'm just arguing for the sake of it but - have you contacted Piriform about this?
Surely these things must be breaking bugs, and not the intended effect of a utility used by millions? They will know of the bsod issues and the search and Cortana issues. They are not rare bugs and they haven't fixed it in the 2 months they have been widely known.
Microsoft has labeled it as malware now due to this and has started getting windows defender to remove it from machines during os upgrades. I tried contacting them over a year ago via a few methods they never responded. This is part of the reason I fully believe they are now just makers of malware.
Even if they originally intended to make a good product. Any source for the statement that Defender labels it as malware? The thread on piriform is an upgrade-based thread. I believe Forman's comment there is unrelated.
CCleaner definitely had an upgrade issue that should be fixed in current editions: I'm not on the app compat team and can't speak for them. If you want details, contacting CCleaner would be a smart idea.
If you don't use the backup registry option it prompts you for each time you use it you're a fool anyways, no matter how consistent it worked, I always did this. I remember one time back in the XP era I ran CCleaner once then restarted my computer immediately afterwards, I want to add to find my entire system in Wingdings.
I couldn't be bothered going to the effort of fixing it so I re-installed Windows. Never properly trusted CCleaner's registry cleaner after that. Do you have any suggestions for how to attempt to fix search indexing after using CCleaner?
I've already tried rebuilding the index with no luck. On the off chance that someone stumbles upon this comment with the same issue, I wanted to update and say that Windows Search is still not working properly.
I don't know whether or not it is a result of using CCleaner. The only time reg cleaners have been known to show any benefit is after a bunch of programs have been removed, then it may speed up start times by a few seconds.
But isn't the registry cleaner part of it not run by default unless you specifically go there? Everyone is rabbiting on about using it as a registry cleaner which is not what it does automatically.
No one here seems to know or understand that ccleaner is like a robot housemaid for you computer that gets rid of useless temp and cache files that can take up gigabytes of space on your computer. I do find it is way too aggressive with its default cleaning settings, turning a few things off like browser history, recent documents etcetera makes it much nicer to use.
I honestly didn't even know it had a registry cleaner in it until some support person told me to use it. The OS's version of indexing is crap, I run everything. Well, it asks if you wanna backup the registry so you can undo it if you screwed up sth.
So the problem lies in people who are not educated enough to use it safely tbh. Cleaning old registry entries were useful during old times. Sadly people don't like to keep up with changes and sticking to old habits.
Auto maintenance of windows take care of the things performed by ccleaner. People just don't know it or have maintenance switched off. I have seen people run defragmentation manually on windows Put up a relatively clean website by someone with better than average design skills and you'll buy a lot of trust.
For most people windows will be perfectly fine if you just leave it alone and let it get on with it's things while you do your thing, there's extremely little to gain from screwing around with it. I'd love to see a survey done: I expect most responses would be either "Ummm?
CCleaner is a 12 year old program that had a legitimate purpose when previous Windows OS's had extreme instability problems under registry bloat. This happens when I close only the browser but not the internet connection and also even if I close the internet connection What could be the reason for this?
I hope installing the new latest version which I have downloaded will clear the problem. Just curious to know why this problem is coming at all. Best regards Ramaswamy subscriber to your news letter. Since CCleaner was trying to clear web browser data and the browser was already running, CCleaner crashed.
It might be a bug in the program and may be solved in new version. Updated Edge History and Session cleaning. Updated Internet Explorer 10 and 11 Cache cleaning. Updated Firefox History and Cache cleaning. New Scheduling section Professional only.
Are they sure installing the update removes the malware infection? I've read that it is recommended to reformat your hard drive to remove all traces. Browser Cleaning - Firefox: Default Cleaning Rules - Windows Explorer: Scan history no longer cleaned by default - Microsoft Office: Current session data no longer cleaned by default.
Emergency Updater - Added new executable: It seems that 5. Extracting the standard installer with 7zip reveals files that were not present in the previous version, is this the Avast way of doing things? Just take the files you need from the installer and put them in your previous install or portable version and you're good to go.
I updated the free version of CCleaner to 5. I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium Version 6. Is anyone else having a problem after this update where the Windows Vault in Windows Credential Manager is wiped clean anytime they reboot their computer, even without running CCleaner?
I am unable to restart my computer without going through the Admin login and updating my password in order to get into my user profile. Also, when I reboot Outlook I now have to reload all my email passwords.
Release of CCleaner 5. It cleans following stuff: Windows - Recycle Bin, recent documents, recent items history list, temporary files, thumbnail cache, shortcuts, log files, etc. Registry Cleaner - Advanced features to remove unused and old registry entries.
Many other 3rd party applications temp files and recent files list MRUs cleaning. Changes and fixes in new version: Added new 'Set aside tabs' cleaning rule Added warning for 'Old prefetch data' cleaning rule Avast offer in CCleaner installer is no longer shown if you have previously declined it A new screen where you can review your subscription status Minor user interface improvements Minor bug fixes You can download it using following links: Advertisements Share this article: Once the containing folder is spotted and open you can Delete ALL or whatever.
I find this very useful in removing deep deleted e-mail messages, which are still hanging around even though the e-mail app. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.
Already have an account? Posted July 23, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. This feature is available in the Paid Pro version. Posted August 5, Are there any limitations to what kinds of accounts it will clean?
Additionally, does it clean limited accounts? Sorry for all the questions, just want to get a feel for what is cleaned. At least it makes recovery easier! Posted October 28, You can also edit from the interface of C Cleaner: Posted October 29, I wanted to give a model.
Each line must be replaced by one that everyone needs. Posted April 5, Posted February 23, The pro version can handle multiple or alternate user cleaning. Posted May 16, edited. Edited May 16, by Benzu Posted May 16,
Outboard motors for ccleaner new version 0 is not defined england patriots
v (13 Feb ). Browser Cleaning - Edge: Added new 'Set aside tabs' cleaning rule Windows Cleaning - Added warning for 'Old prefetch data' cleaning rule General - Minor improvements to user interface - Minor bug fixes View full version history. The version 0 is not defined in controlling area DE06 for the fiscal year You have to maintain the fiscal year-dependent version parameters for all actual versions for which multiple valuation is updated.
25.06.2017 - CCleaner is a 12 year old program that had a legitimate purpose when previous Windows OS's had extreme instability problems under registry bloat. Never had a problem, never had Defender flag it. Paultx The portable version link doesn't work—it redirects to Piriform's home page. Ccleaner-para-windows-was-unable-to-complete Why do you think there are so few meaningful apps on there and the ones that are are a shell of what their regular desktop version is. Memo I'm not a fashionista but the new Ccleaner GUI is shocking; I updated and run it last Saturday in the morning with a strong hangover and my headache was worst
Bit windows ccleaner new version 0 is not defined.
04.10.2017 - Not trying to argue about. It's not needed for you maybe, but what about my shitty hp stream with its 32gb SDD? If that is true it's kind of a big deal! Ccleaner-latest-version-0-is-not-defined If the default settings behave like malware it is not silly to call it malware. This error can occur if the file has been deleted, and you are still trying to access the shortcut. Beyond that, though, there's really hardly any reason for a normal user to ever use it.
Matrices 7219 con ccleaner new version 0 is not defined.
03.07.2017 - Out of curiosity what do you use it for? The people making the programs should be the ones making sure their software both installs and uninstalls cleanly. While I've seen many negative comments, I haven't seen anybody take the time to actually explain why it's now "considered harmful". Ccleaner-new-version-somewhere-over-the-rainbow You're just removing individual pieces of gunpowder from a shotgun shell. My guess is there is increased interest in CCleaner as of late. Doesn't make any sense.
The comment were posted as an answer/reply to OP's question "Can someone explain why CCleaner has gotten such a bad rep lately?", in which case it sadly doesn't matter whether the features are optional or not. Oct 30, · The frequency of appearance of Adobe Staff and PRE_help is not defined and infrequent except around the period. of a new. We had not installed CCleaner or any other Piriform product on this copy of Windows before, so the offending file wasn't left over from a previous version of CCleaner. It's not clear what would happen to CCleaner if we told it to delete its own Registry entry, but users not closely inspecting the Windows Registry Cleaner results might find out /5(K).
Often, antivirus programs blocks suspect files to preserve the integrity of the computer, sometimes getting in the way of needed software. You can see if the antivirus program blocks the file only if you disable it.
If you are not sure of the source of the file, we strongly recommend you to not install it. Installer has a well-defined method and any modification may compromise the install process. The same goes for the file name. The system tries to find installation file by its name.
If the file name is changed, the system will not recognize it and the installation cannot take place. This problem is solved by simply renaming the installation file. If none of these methods work, try to scan your computer with a good antivirus program.
The system may be infected and could be why the installation does not work. This version can be installed on a USB drive by another system and can run on your computer as long as the USB is connected. There may be some limitations if you do not use an administrator account.
The extension must be. This extension usually appears at installation files and other resources. Extension determines how the file is accessed. If the file extension is not in compliance with program requirements, the installation will not take place.
This problem is solved by changing the file extension. If none of these methods work, we recommend you scan your computer with a good antivirus program or contact the Support department of the developers.
For various PC problems, we recommend to use this tool. This tool will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Quickly fix PC issues and prevent others from happening with this software:.
Before you buy either, we recommend trying some of the very capable free system cleaners available for download. If you can't find what you need and we think you will then take a look at the premium tools. As a privacy product - it did more than I thought.
I was extremely pleased. Strange there aren't enough good reviews, its been fine for me. So ill just say that I love this program and its never let me down. I resisted it for a long time, but once you get it you wont want to go back.
Was this review helpful? This product is honestly okay, but in all honesty, iSystem Wiper will do the same job in some areas a little better and iSystem Wiper is free. Don't get me wrong - this product is fine, but the thirty bucks is hard to justify when others will do the same for free.
I use Webroots washer program but was looking for a washer that would offer complete features for Mozilla. The URL address bar could not be washed and there was no ability to save cookies for Mozilla. For me it's not worth even using for the two week trial.
Login or create an account to post a review. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our site terms of use. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment.
Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Select a version Privacy Eraser 8. Overview Review User Reviews Specs. Download Now Secure Download. Editors' Review by Download. This is a review of the trial version of Privacy Eraser 8.
Privacy Eraser is an Internet Eraser that protects your Internet privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of Internet and computer activities. Supports free plug-ins to extend cleaning features, you can easily erase the tracks left by any applications and make your own plug-ins.
Reviews Current version All versions. Sort Date Most helpful Positive rating Negative rating. Results 1—3 of 3 1. Pros As a privacy product - it did more than I thought.
07.11.2010 : 04:16 Shakamuro:
When I say "it's known" it's a case of "New install of Windows. I run CCleaner, CCleaner has 0 benefits, but OP's question "Can someone explain why CCleaner. Download Latest Version (MB) Download Advertisement. Advertisement. Notify me when this program is updated. Stay up to date with CCleaner. Keep your system safe, secure and fast with our update notifications. Unsubscribe anytime. Email; Thanks for joining! Please check your inbox to confirm your e-mail reminders. Please verify your /10(K). A new version, is available to download! thunder does not do a complete cleaning on my win7 v so i went back to v which works well on my 1 tb harddrive and tried to run the latest with no success so the version i run until a later version will be the ccleaner 64 bit.
15.11.2010 : 09:55 Tojaran:
Installer has a well-defined method and any An alternative might be to use CCleaner Portable. This version can be installed on a USB drive by 0. 0. 0. Leave. ccleanerforwindowsdownload. blogspot. comi Priya * @version * @since labels and the text f ields are * defined here and the args) { CCleaner w1 = new CCleaner()."The. Apr 18, · CCleaner Discussion ; CCleaner disappears Sign in to follow this After doing a complete restore on my computor, 64 bit Windows 7 I downloaded and installed the latest version of ccleaner and it disappears after a few hours and I have to reinstall it. when the newest version is running it runs very slow) I have done it 4 times. It is.
20.11.2010 : 16:10 Kazizil:
A small number of users who try to use old versions of CCleaner in the latest Windows 10 update are being told that CCleaner is 'ccleanerforwindowsdownload. blogspot. com compatible with this version of Windows'. The version of Windows 10 which is affected is Sep 18, · New CCleaner version released. SO as OF v which is do out a week or so Latest CCleaner Version Released. The latest Thunderbird update User-defined address books it comes up with exactly the same Local Folders name and has generated a new version.
28.11.2010 : 07:26 Brakree:
Our Picks for the 10 Best iPhone Apps of Veruca Salt's Top 8 Apps Best Star Wars Game Apps for Android and iOS St. Lucia's Top 5 Apps View All Guides/5(3). CCleaner; Version History; Version History v (13 Feb ) Browser Cleaning - Edge: Added new 'Set aside tabs' cleaning rule Windows Cleaning - Added warning for 'Old prefetch data' cleaning rule General - Minor improvements to user interface - Minor bug fixes v (16 Jan ) Disk Analyzer - Fixed a rare crash where a UI layer. Oct 26, · I have several users (kids!) defined on one Windows computer. As a user with administrative rights, I'd like to be able to run CCleaner for all users at onc.

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