Tatarstan Vote Seen As Test For Russian Regional 'President'
In Yana Kyrlay village of the Arsky district of Tatarstan, in a thick forest there is a palace. Tatarstan, where ethnic Tatars descended from those who long dominated Medieval Russia make up a small majority of the population, has sometimes strained at the limits of its autonomy under Moscow, and has a higher level of independence than other Russian regions -- the result of a s pact with the federal government in Moscow.
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Gender and Languagespecial issue: Great Bolghar Ancient civilization on the Volga. The UkrainianMordvinand Bashkir minorities are also significant. LATEST VERSION OF CCLEANER FOR WINDOWS 7 Its width around Kazan is about 1 kilometer, whereas at the offing of the Kama river, in Kuybyshev Reservoir, it is 35 kilometers wide! Internal additional non-constitutional divisions by different institutions.
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan. And as matters stand now, the winner will only be allowed to call himself president until the New Year. Gender and endangered languages.
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Archived from the original on July 17, In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikivoyage. So far, Minnikhanov has not publicly stated a clear position on the presidential title issue. Executive Committee of World Congress of Tatars. Unusual places always attract tourists. Every sport facility of the city has its own outstanding feature, mystery, if you like, which is discovered every day by thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. The following passage from the Constitution defines the republic's status without contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation:.
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A September 13 election in Russia's Republic of Tatarstan has become an unofficial referendum on whether Vladimir Putin should be the only official in the country who can call himself president. That's because of a law passed by the national parliament in that says only the president of the Russian Federation has the title "president.
It is part of a series of measures from Moscow since Putin came to power 15 years ago that have imposed the supremacy of Russia's federal constitution and reduced the autonomy of the country's regions and republics.

In fact, all other republics in the Russian Federation -- including Chechnya and Tatarstan's neighbor, Bashkortostan -- have already eliminated the presidential title. Their chief executives now have more modest titles, in many cases 'head.
Tatarstan, where ethnic Tatars descended from those who long dominated Medieval Russia make up a small majority of the population, has sometimes strained at the limits of its autonomy under Moscow, and has a higher level of independence than other Russian regions -- the result of a s pact with the federal government in Moscow.
But the clock is ticking. September 13 could be the last time voters in Russia cast a ballot for a regional president. And as matters stand now, the winner will only be allowed to call himself president until the New Year.
Minnikhanov has been a key Kremlin ally since he was picked for the post in by then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. At that time, Russia was not holding direct elections for regional leaders. Putin used him in efforts to ease the concerns of Crimean Tatars — ethnic kin of the Tatars in Tatarstan -- when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in March So far, Minnikhanov has not publicly stated a clear position on the presidential title issue.
He has never asked Tatarstan's parliament to defend his title. But he also describes Tatarstan as a republic that has "a separate way" and "follows its own traditions. The region's main source of wealth is oil. Tatarstan produces 32 million tonnes of crude oil per year and has estimated oil reserves of more than 1 billion tons.
The most developed manufacturing industries are petrochemical industry and machine building. The truck-maker KamAZ is the region's largest enterprise and employs about one-fifth of Tatarstan's workforce.
Tatarstan consists of three distinct industrial regions. The northwestern part is an old industrial region where engineering, chemical, and light industry dominate. In the newly industrial northeast region with its core in the Naberezhnye Chelny — Nizhnekamsk agglomeration, major industries are automobile construction, the chemical industry, and power engineering.

The southeast region has oil production with engineering under development. The north, central, south, and southwest parts of the republic are rural regions. Soils are very diverse, the best fertile soils covering one-third of the territory.
Due to the high development of agriculture in Tatarstan it contributes 5. The agricultural sector of the economy is represented mostly by large companies as "Ak Bars Holding" and "Krasniy Vostok Agro".
The republic has a highly developed transport network. The territory of Tatarstan is crossed by the main gas pipelines carrying natural gas from Urengoy and Yamburg to the west and the major oil pipelines supplying oil to various cities in the European part of Russia.
In the past several years, new museums appeared throughout the Republic. There are twelve theatrical institutions in Tatarstan. Also, Tatarstan has Unics Kazan which has gained a significant role in European basketball, playing in Euroleague and EuroCup for decades.
The state also has a Russian Major League team the second highest hockey league in Russia, Neftyanik Almetyevsk, who play in the city of Almetyevsk. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the republic in Russia.
For the ship Tatarstan, see Gepard class frigate. Administrative divisions of the Republic of Tatarstan. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. Part of a series on the. Turco-Mongols and Great Tartary. Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
President of the Russian Federation. Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved June 29, Please note that this value may not be accurate as the area specified in the infobox is not necessarily reported for the same year as the population.
Government of the Russian Federation. Kempton and Terry D. Praeger Publishers, , p. Executive Committee of World Congress of Tatars. Archived from the original on July 17, Administration of President of the Republic Tatarstan.
Retrieved July 19, Soviet Relief and the Tatar Republic — Retrieved August 9, Higher School of Economics]. American Association of Teachers of Turkic. Gender and Language, special issue: Gender and endangered languages.
Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia". Patterns of Religious Change in Postsoviet Russia: Major Trends from to Archived from the original on Archived from the original on November 1, Retrieved April 15, Archived from the original PDF on October 10, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved from " https: Tatarstan States and territories established in Autonomous Turkic states Members of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Turkic peoples Regions of Europe with multiple official languages establishments in Europe.
Articles containing Russian-language text CS1 Russian-language sources ru Articles with Russian-language external links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from December Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing Tatar-language text Articles needing additional references from February All articles needing additional references Articles with Tatar-language external links Use mdy dates from November Views Read Edit View history.
In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikivoyage. This page was last edited on 3 March, at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. State Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan [1].
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26.01.2017 - This famous Russian and Soviet state leader lived in Kazan for less than 2 years, but it was precisely this period of his life that defined his subsequent personality. States Within A State. Ccleaner-new-version-you-are-my-sunshine Unusual places always attract tourists. Lenin came to be the founder of Marxism-Leninism in addition to leaving impressive legacy in the fields of philosophy, political economy, as well as theory and practice of the socialist revolution. Some Tatars were forcibly converted to Christianity and cathedrals were built in Kazan; bymosques in the area were destroyed.
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25.06.2017 - Velik is a network of bicycle rental stations working around the clock in self-service mode. In and Kazan is going to be hosting some world sport competitions: Ccleaner-mac-os-x-10-5-8 Use your VKontakte profile to log in. Here, at the very heart of Tatarstan, people live surrounded by history, with famous names and legends anywhere they go. Velik is a network of bicycle rental stations working around the clock in self-service mode.
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03.06.2017 - This is how they call Bauman street — one of the most beautiful and crowded streets of Kazan. To genuinely appreciate magnificence and beauty of the eastern capital is possible only if you see it as a bird's eye panorama. Ccleaner-tool-you-must-have-been-high There are no visible features of modern times here. The sensitive language issue has sparked disputes not only in Tatarstan, but in several other so-called ethnic republics in the Volga-Ural area since Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Republic of Mari El in July, when he suggested that ethnic Russians were being forced to learn these languages in regions with sizable minority populations.
The first power-sharing treaty was signed in by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Tatarstan's president at the time, Mintimer Shaimiev. The treaty offered Tatarstan broad autonomy, including its own laws, taxes, and even citizenship.
After Putin came to power in, laws in the regions of the Russian Federation were brought into conformity with federal legislation. By, all previous agreements and treaties between the regions and Moscow were annulled, and it was announced that pacts would be negotiated in conformity with strict new federal laws.
Under a new treaty signed in, Tatarstan was given the right to make decisions jointly with Moscow on the region's economic, cultural, and other policies. Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan. Bosnia Kosovo Macedonia Montenegro Serbia.
September 21, Protest Rallies In the oil-rich, Muslim-majority region of Tatarstan, the order sparked a series of rallies by non-Tatar parents who demanded that mandatory Tatar-language lessons in local schools be abolished.
Sees No Change In Capability. Most of the Russian federal subjects are tied with the Russian federal government by the uniform Federal Treaty, but relations between the government of Tatarstan and the Russian federal government are more complex and are precisely defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The following passage from the Constitution defines the republic's status without contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation:. The sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan shall consist in full possession of the State authority legislative, executive and judicial beyond the competence of the Russian Federation and powers of the Russian Federation in the sphere of shared competence of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan and shall be an inalienable qualitative status of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed regions of Russia. The republic is highly industrialized and ranks second to Samara Oblast in terms of industrial production per km 2. The region's main source of wealth is oil.
Tatarstan produces 32 million tonnes of crude oil per year and has estimated oil reserves of more than 1 billion tons. The most developed manufacturing industries are petrochemical industry and machine building.
The truck-maker KamAZ is the region's largest enterprise and employs about one-fifth of Tatarstan's workforce. Tatarstan consists of three distinct industrial regions. The northwestern part is an old industrial region where engineering, chemical, and light industry dominate.
In the newly industrial northeast region with its core in the Naberezhnye Chelny — Nizhnekamsk agglomeration, major industries are automobile construction, the chemical industry, and power engineering. The southeast region has oil production with engineering under development.
The north, central, south, and southwest parts of the republic are rural regions. Soils are very diverse, the best fertile soils covering one-third of the territory. Due to the high development of agriculture in Tatarstan it contributes 5.
The agricultural sector of the economy is represented mostly by large companies as "Ak Bars Holding" and "Krasniy Vostok Agro". The republic has a highly developed transport network. The territory of Tatarstan is crossed by the main gas pipelines carrying natural gas from Urengoy and Yamburg to the west and the major oil pipelines supplying oil to various cities in the European part of Russia.
In the past several years, new museums appeared throughout the Republic. There are twelve theatrical institutions in Tatarstan. Also, Tatarstan has Unics Kazan which has gained a significant role in European basketball, playing in Euroleague and EuroCup for decades.
The state also has a Russian Major League team the second highest hockey league in Russia, Neftyanik Almetyevsk, who play in the city of Almetyevsk. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the republic in Russia.
For the ship Tatarstan, see Gepard class frigate. Administrative divisions of the Republic of Tatarstan. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. Part of a series on the. Turco-Mongols and Great Tartary. Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. President of the Russian Federation.
Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved June 29, Please note that this value may not be accurate as the area specified in the infobox is not necessarily reported for the same year as the population.
Government of the Russian Federation. Kempton and Terry D. Praeger Publishers, , p. That's because of a law passed by the national parliament in that says only the president of the Russian Federation has the title "president.
It is part of a series of measures from Moscow since Putin came to power 15 years ago that have imposed the supremacy of Russia's federal constitution and reduced the autonomy of the country's regions and republics.
In fact, all other republics in the Russian Federation -- including Chechnya and Tatarstan's neighbor, Bashkortostan -- have already eliminated the presidential title. Their chief executives now have more modest titles, in many cases 'head.
Tatarstan, where ethnic Tatars descended from those who long dominated Medieval Russia make up a small majority of the population, has sometimes strained at the limits of its autonomy under Moscow, and has a higher level of independence than other Russian regions -- the result of a s pact with the federal government in Moscow.
But the clock is ticking. September 13 could be the last time voters in Russia cast a ballot for a regional president. And as matters stand now, the winner will only be allowed to call himself president until the New Year.
Minnikhanov has been a key Kremlin ally since he was picked for the post in by then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. At that time, Russia was not holding direct elections for regional leaders.
08.12.2010 : 07:15 Akikree:
The president of Russia's Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, in his annual address to parliament on September 21 performed a balancing act between the Kremlin's drive toward abandoning mand. Rafael Khakimov, director of the Institute of History at Tatarstan's Academy of Science, said that the September 13 vote is "a kind of referendum" on the issue, and that strong turnout would serve as support for retaining an official presidency. He noted that Tatarstan's constitution specifies that the republic has its own president and parliament. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Privacy policy; About Wikidata; Disclaimers; Developers; Cookie statement; Mobile view; Data access.
11.12.2010 : 14:18 Vozshura:
Meeting of Kazan City Duma on the results of the social and economic development in and tasks for Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov is taking part. The official tourist website of Republic of Tatarstan. There are all sights and attractions, unique places in our region and cultural bill at one place. Have a. Banners of the Official Portal of the Republic of Tatarstan can be reproduced on Internet websites. When posting a banner on your site you must inform the portal support service via feedback form.
14.12.2010 : 01:26 Doktilar:
Aktyubinsky, Republic of Tatarstan. Aktyubinsky (Russian: актюбинский; Tatar: актүбә) is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) in Aznakayevsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, located on the Leninogorsk–Aznakayevo auto route, 21 kilometers (13 mi) west of Aznakayevo. As of the Census, its population was 9, Official Tatarstan. Rustam Minnikhanov opens new school in Naberezhnye Chelny. Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in festive prayer on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. . Major rivers include (Tatar names are given in parentheses): Azevka River (Äzi) Belaya River (Ağidel) Ik River (Iq) Kama River (Çulman) Volga River (İdel) Vyatka River (Noqrat) Kazanka River (Qazansu) Zay River (Zäy).
18.12.2010 : 20:43 Dulabar:
24.12.2010 : 06:14 Gardalmaran:

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